英语人>网络例句>怀疑地 相关的搜索结果


与 怀疑地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was invited to a housewarming party, and, as my cabdriver wound his way down increasingly potholed and dingy streets, I began wondering whether he'd got the address right.


Caird et al.23 prospectiely collected data on eery child at a single institution who underwent hip aspiration because of suspicion of septic arthritis.

感染 Caird前瞻性地搜集了每个由于怀疑坏死性关节炎而行髋关节抽吸的患儿的资料。

It is beyond any doubt that no major breakthrough can be expected in resolving climate issues without a better understanding of the role carbonaceous particles play in the global atmosphere.


Another carjacking occurred this month at 20 o'clock on the 7th, three suspected Indian man with a group of robbers, the trick in the town of skudai Li-Ning, a Chinese housewives to start, when the 44-year-old The woman was sharing with two children to return home after dinner, the same three robbers held a parang knife dry case, stole the victim's blue Toyota Camry.


The Cattle Dog's loyalty and protective instincts make it a self-appointed guardian to the Stockman, his herd and his property. Whilst naturally suspicious of strangers, must be amenable to handling, particularly in the Show ring.


I have been doubted my ability absolutely,as for censure voice from ....so lucky,I'm convinced of that's not my problem!


What remains of IndyMac's franchise is of questionable value, to put it charitably.


What remains of IndyMac's franchise is of questionable value , to put it charitably .


Beech Where my imaginary line Bends square in woods an iron spine And pile of real rocks have been founded And off this corner in the wild Where these are driven in and piled One tree, by being deeply wounded Has been impressed as Witness Tree And made commit to memory My proof of being not unbounded Thus truth's established and bourne out Though circumstanced with dark and doubt Though by a world of doubt surrounded.

远离荒野,在岩石被卷来并挺起的这个角落一棵树,一棵伤痕累累的树给我留下见证树的印象使我刻骨铭心地谨记我的证明——并非不受限制。如此真理得到证明并被确立 46 《弗罗斯特诗精选》徐淳刚译尽管充满黑暗和怀疑纵使被一个困惑的世界所包围。译注:原诗题目为《山毛榉》。

However, it remains unclear how reliable cleistogamy is for gene flow mitigation: a Co-Extra research project on rapeseed investigating the matter has published preliminary results which cast doubt on the attainment of a high degree of reliability.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
