英语人>网络例句>怀旧 相关的搜索结果


与 怀旧 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study aims to explore the customs of the common people of the Retrocession Taiwan in the 1960s and, by so doing, it will recall the common people's viewpoints on the popular culture.


The more rhapsodic Second Quartet, in D, dedicated to the composer's wife, is an affectionate and nostalgic evocation of their first months together in Heidelberg.

更加具有狂想风格的 D 大调第二四重奏,题赠给他的妻子,是对他们一起在海德堡的最初几个深情而怀旧的回忆。

I am trying to establish a sealed off space, inside which any noise, even the slightest breath, can help me in the search for myself. Trying to predict the future while ruminating on the past carries an inherent ridiculousness, just like the woodpecker on the telegraph pole.


Rimbaud: That's not faithfulness, that's nostalgia.


Not that Islam has always lacked irony in this respect: the works of the Sufi masters are full of it. But the Sufi masters (I think of Rumi and Hafiz especially) belong to that great and self-knowing Islamic culture on which the Islamists have turned their backs, embracing instead the narrow-minded bigotry of Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab or the self-deceived nostalgia of the Muslim Brotherhood and Sayyid Qutb.

我不是说在这个方面伊斯兰总缺乏讽刺能力,苏非大师的著作中就充满了讽刺,但苏非大师(我特别想到诗人鲁米和哈菲兹)属于那个被伊斯兰分子抛弃的伟大的认识自己的伊斯兰文化,相反拥抱了阿布德阿·瓦哈卜·布哈里(Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab)的狭隘种族偏见或者穆斯林兄弟社和赛义德·库特布自我欺骗的怀旧情结。

At the moment that fast consuming overflows, the moment that all solid things have dispersed like Marx said, we did in our drama a new self-mockery reminiscence. It's like a random flashback to that sunny, windy afternoon....


Reminiscence in practice and sensationalism in research break up the history relation of the theories.


Mr Lear, a retired engineer from Shrewsbury, spotted the image when it was reproduced last week as part of a nostalgia item in a local paper.


A tireless traveller and sportswoman, she lived for a time in New York. Her images show the fascinating life of a completely cosmopolitan woman.They are also a visual witness to the transformations that took place over most of the 20th century through the faces of the people in her circle.


Boisterous, street-smart individuality is now the order of the day, shot through with humour and a nostalgia for the trappings of childhood.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
