英语人>网络例句>忙于 相关的搜索结果


与 忙于 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The emerging markets' new management paradigm also has an army of proselytising gurus and consultants, led by an Indian elite, who are busy refining it, advising companies on how to exploit it and selling it to companies anywhere in the world that want it.


However, they say that they are not in a rush to go ahead, especially if their watchdogs oppose such moves.


He is being financed by the South African government to create modules for all 11 languages spoken in South Africa - when John spoke to him last, he was busy with Xhosa and Zulu.

他由南非政府资助来为所有十一种南非所说的语言创建模块--上一次 John 和他谈话的时候,他正在忙于 Xhosa 语和 Zulu 语。

Busy in the West Asia and Darius III of Persia at war, where empty to Africa.


In addition to a busy schedule promoting her new album, she's planning a return to the small screen as a guest star on Dawson's Creek.


The couple is often busy shuttling children to and from school and extracurricular activities, not strolling through parks like characters in a Georges Seurat painting.

夫妻经常都是穿梭于孩子上学放学的途中,忙于自己的业余活动,不会像Georges Seurat画中的人物一样在公园漫步,即使有时上天会提供这样的机会。

His friend, Louis Cartier, created the first wristwatch for him after Santos-Dumont expressed a need to keep track of time while busily flying his plane.


The centre-right leader will put the finishing touches to a project that, for the first time under the fifth republic, has united the political right under a single umbrella.


Every 8 to 18 point four staff including membership card before and it professionals is busy with variable data.


Larry at the time was actually working in the studio on The Joshua Tree album and not in a hospital room in New York.

实际上,Larry此时正在纽约的录音室而非医院里忙于专辑《The Joshua Tree》的制作。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
