英语人>网络例句>必须的 相关的搜索结果


与 必须的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deviation or delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is excusedWhere arthorised by any special term in the policy ;or Where caused by circumstances beyond the control of the master and his employer;or Where reasonably necessary in order to comply with an express or implied warranty;or Where reasonably necessary for the safety of the ship or subject-matter insured; or For the purpose of saving human life, or aiding a ship in distress where human life may be in danger; or Where reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining medical or surgical aid for any person on board the ship;or Where caused by the barratrous conduct of the master or crew, if barratry be one of the perils insured against.


Deviation or delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is excusedWhere arthorised by any special term in the policy ;or Where caused by circumstances beyond the control of the master and his employer;or Where reasonably necessary in order to ply with an express or implied warranty;or Where reasonably necessary for the safety of the ship or subject-matter insured; or For the purpose of saving human life, or aiding a ship in distress where human life may be in danger; or Where reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining medical or surgical aid for any person on board the ship;or Where caused by the barratrous conduct of the master or crew, if barratry be one of the perils insured against


Laws must be sufficient to determine the will as will, even before I ask whether I have power sufficient for a desired effect, or the means necessary to produce it; hence they are categorical: otherwise they are not laws at all, because the necessity is wanting, which, if it is to be practical, must be independent of conditions which are pathological and are therefore only contingently connected with the will.


However, as a person or a group whether marginalized or not, they can not live a absolute lone life. Because communication is necessary for our existence and existence comes true in communication, intersubjective recognition is necessary in ontological meaning.


Deviation or delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is excusedWhere arthorised by any special term in the policy ;or Where caused by circumstances beyond the control of the master and his employer;or Where reasonably necessary in order to comply with an express or implied warranty;or Where reasonably necessary for the safety of the ship or subject-matter insured; or For the purpose of saving human life, or aiding a ship in distress where human life may be in danger; or Where reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining medical or surgical aid for any person on board the ship;or Where caused by the barratrous conduct of the master or crew, if barratry be one of the perils insured against.


That is, it is absolutely necessary when you drive a car, to think, or it may be instinctual, but you have thought of it, to learn a language, to play the piano, to do your business, to do whatever you do, thought is necessary.


Genes that are numbered are essential: a mutation in any one of these loci prevents successful completion of the lytic cycle.


When outdoors, children must use a waterproof, sweatproof sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that blocks both UVA and UVB all of the time; reapply often. Wear a hat with a wide brim and cover arms and legs with a lightweight layer of clothing.

在户外时,SLE的孩子必须使用含有SPF 30以上防水防汗的防晒霜,来阻绝阳光中的UVA及UVB,不定时的补擦防晒霜是必须的,但同时间也别忘了戴寛边帽及穿著轻薄的衣服来覆盖手臂及腿。

The study indicates that the content of soil carbon is on the low side because human behavior has a negative effect on sloping cropland. However, the content of every group soil carbon increased drastically by planting Robinia . With the increasing of the time of conservation, the relationship is very remarkable. After 50 years of restoration, the content of TOC, LOC, NLOC and AI in the study plot increased by 271%,174%, 467%, and 271%, respectively, compared with sloping cropland. The increasing speed of NLOC was faster than LOC. It is assumed that the increased carbon by restoration is stored in an inactive form to produce active matter which is necessary for biont. And the soil carbon must keep active to fulfill the balance of carbon dynamic transformation. At initial stages, soil carbon management index increased remarkably.


Amsterdam, like New York today, was a town of culture-craving burghers who had to have -- had to have -- a Rembrandt in their homes.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
