英语人>网络例句>必要条件 相关的搜索结果


与 必要条件 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the necessary conditions for the occurrence of boilover, a new fighting method, circulated cooling method, was proposed to prevent the formation of boilover fire.


So it is necessary toobtain the excited states data of alkali molecules such as collisionaldepopulation ,predissociation and collisional transfer rates .


One of the necessary conditions of the initial cracking due to thermal fatigue is that the material on high temperature side has been deformed compressively and plastically, which is different from the cracking due to common fatigue.


Since the introduction of the Single UNIX Specification, there has been a single, open, consensus specification that defines the requirements for a conformant UNIX system.


We prove that a diagram can be drawn with conicoid sequentially if and only if it can be described by a set of triangular equations of degree less than nine.


Thus the idea of language as a potentially distortive or alternative medium between us and the world simply cannot be cashed out, given Davidson's understanding of the necessary conditions for interpretation.


Under the conditions of q=2, G is a finite group of order mn ,where both m and n are odd prime numbers, the splitting is μ-1 , the necessary condition and sufficieat condition for the existence of such duadic codes are presented.


In this paper, a new method for aspheric conicoid machining is offered by using normal equidistance line offsetting methods.1、Obtain ecumenic equation of normal equidistance offsetting line methods for aspheric conicoid machining induced from mathematical equations of paraboloid, hyperboloid and ellipsoid surface; reason the conditions for avoiding of tool intervening.2、Bring forward the general design project for machining tool together with some primary components based on the conception of non-sphere conicoid machining by using normal equidistance line offsetting.

其主要内容有: 1、进行了二次旋转曲面法线等距离线加工方法的理论研究,分别建立了抛物面、椭球面和双曲面的法线等距离线模型,得出了避免加工过程中刀具干涉的必要条件。 2、根据法线等距离线加工法的理论,确定了二次旋转曲面加工机床的总体设计方案,并进行了零部件的选择。

Learning interest is the necessary condition for the development of the creativity and deep interest is one enormous motivity, because it can absorb students' attention, elaborative faculty and imagination, can drive students to think, to observe and to study actively.


Emulative election is a political party play is due functional requirement.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
