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与 心裂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scape usually longer than leaves, with 2-3 flowers each with 1bract, floral bract hooded, broad-ovate, as long as ovary, blunt and usually 3-lobed at apex; flower green-yellow, dorsal sepal white with yellow-green veins and green base, elliptic, 4-4.5cm long, short-pointed at apex, keeled on back, pubescent at base inside, petals very long, pendulous, twist, linear, 8.5-12cm long,6mm wide in middle; lip reversed helmet-shaped, longer than dorsal sepal, with claw almost as long as hood, side lobes inflexed, auricles large and nearly broad-triangular; staminode obcordate; stamens with thick and short filaments; ovary rostrate, 5.5cm long, glabrous.

花茎常长于叶,具2~3朵花,每花具一枚苞片,花苞片兜状,宽卵形,和子房等长,顶端钝而常3浅裂;花绿黄色,重萼片白色而有黄绿色的脉和绿色的基部,椭圆形,长4~5.5cm ,短尖,背面具龙骨状突起,基部内侧被短柔毛;花瓣极长,悬垂,扭曲,条形,长8.2~12cm ,中部宽约6mm ;唇瓣倒盔状较中萼片长,具爪,爪几乎和兜等长,具内折侧裂片,耳大而近阔三角形;退化雄蕊倒心形,上面基部具一个角状突起;雄蕊具短粗的花丝;子房具喙,长约5.5cm ,无毛。

Leaves entire, or with a pair of obtuse lobes near base; fruiting bracts cordate to sagittate, appendage a 3-parted process.


Typically scandent shrubs; carpels usually 3 in separate locules; stigma 3, each dividing, similar to 6 lobes; aril completely covering seeds.


Styles and stigmas 2. Fruit a capsule, dehiscing septicidally, septifragally, or loculicidally and 4-valved; endocarp woody or leathery, usually loose from leathery exocarp. Seeds 1 to many per carpel; if solitary then seed coat thick, hard, smooth and shiny, black or brown; if numerous then sometimes winged and only a few viable.


Plants annual. Petiole 5-10 cm; leaf blade palmately (3 or)5-9-lobed, sometimes simple, 7-10 × 7-10 cm, papery, abaxially with rigid spinulose hairs on veins, adaxially pubescent but not densely so, base cordate; lobes ovate-triangular, margin serrate.

一年生草本叶柄5-10厘米;叶片掌状(3或) 5-9浅裂,有时单的, 7-10 * 7-10厘米,纸质,背面具硬质的具微刺的毛在脉上,正面短柔毛但不是浓密如此,基部心形;裂片卵形三角形,边缘有锯齿。

What is the use of our bandying hard like women who when they fall foul of one another go out and wrangle in the streets, one half true and the other lies, as rage inspires them?

然而, 我们并没有这个需要,在此争吵辱骂,你来我往,像两个街巷里的女人,吵得心肺俱裂,冲上街头,互相攻击,大肆诽谤,其中不乏真话,亦多谎言――暴怒使她们信口开河。

The man's Israeli doctors warn infection can spread in the bloodstream from the piercing up to the brain. Piercing can more commonly lead to chipped teeth and oral infections, and sometimes heart problems, say experts.


Typically erect small trees or shrubs; carpels 2 or 3 in 2 or 3 locules; stigma 2 or 3, slightly lobed; seeds only basally or lower half covered by arils

通常直立小乔木或灌木;在2或3子房室里的心皮2或3;柱头2或3,稍浅裂;种子只是基部假种皮盖住的或下半部 13

Valves broadly cordate, apex acuminate, base cordate, margin irregularly denticulate; denticles 0.3-0.5 mm.

裂爿宽心形,先端渐尖,基部心形,边缘不规则具小齿;小齿0.3-0.5毫米 16 R 。 japonicus 羊蹄

Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life.


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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
