英语人>网络例句>心裂 相关的搜索结果


与 心裂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When your heart explodes is it deathly cold?


Fruit indehiscent, samaroid siliques or silicles, oblong, ovate, obovate, cordate, elliptic, oblanceolate, spatulate, or orbicular, strongly angustiseptate, sessile, prominently winged all around or distally, 1(or 2)-seeded, glabrous or hairy, smooth; seed-bearing locule papery or corky, prominently or obscurely 1- or 3-veined, sometimes keeled or shortly winged; valves and replum united; gynophore, style, and septum absent; stigma capitate, entire.


Gynoecium (2 or)3-5(-15)-carpellate, gynophore present or rarely absent; ovary superior, entire or deeply lobed, generally long styled; placentation basal, axile or parietal, rarely laminar; ovules 1 or 2 or numerous per locule; stigma entire or sometimes shortly divided at apex. Fruit fleshy or non-fleshy, generally a septicidal capsule, rarely a nut with accrescent sepals or a drupe, or separating into up to 15 blackish drupelets on a colored accrescent receptacle.

雌蕊群(2或者) 3-5 (-15)具心皮,雌蕊柄有或有时无;子房上位,全缘的或者深裂,通常有长花柱;胎座式为基底胎座,中轴胎座或者侧膜胎座,很少片状胎座;胚珠1或每子房室或许多的2;柱头全缘或者有时在先端短裂。

What's can be heard was the sound from Chen's heart now which breaks into pieces so resoundingly.


Ovary superior, syncarpous (in Gisekia developmentally syncarpous; fruit a deeply lobed schizocarp); carpels 2-5 or many, placentation axile, rarely seemingly basal.


Fruit indehiscent silicle, didymous, schizocarpic, reniform, cordate, or obcordate, angustiseptate, sessile, breaking into 2, 1-seeded, closed halves; valves woody, obscurely to prominently veined, glabrous or hairy, keeled or rounded, reticulate, rugose, verrucose, tuberculate, or rarely smooth; replum rounded; septum reduced to a rim or absent; style obsolete or to 1 mm; stigma capitate, entire.


And he said: Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart stand in the sun, so must you know pain.


Leaf blades suborbicular, 3–5-veined, base rounded to subcordate, rarely cuneate, margin with a few crenate teeth above middle, apex usually 3-lobed.

近圆形的叶片,3-5-脉,基部圆形到近心形,很少楔形,边缘具一些齿在中部以上,3浅裂的先端通常。 38 S。 trilobata 三裂绣线菊

Stamens 5 or rarely 4; filaments short; anthers mostly sagittate, free or connivent into a cone adherent to pistil head, dehiscing longitudinally, base rounded, cordate, sagittate, or prolonged into an empty spur; pollen granular; disc ringlike or cup-shaped, 2-5-lobed, or absent.


Stems angular, glabrous. Radical leaves: stipules brown, membranous, abaxially glabrous; petiole glabrous; leaf blade with 7–9 pairs of leaflets; leaflets petiolulate, green on both surfaces, fasciated or fasciated lanceolate, 5–7 × 1.5–1.7 cm, both surfaces glabrous, base subcordate to obliquely truncate or rounded, margin acutely incised serrate, apex rounded to acute; cauline leaves: stipules green, falcate, herbaceous, margin incised serrate; leaf blade resembling that of radical leaves but leaflets fewer and narrower higher up stem.

茎具角,无毛;胚根叶:托叶使成褐色,膜,背面无毛;叶柄无毛;叶片具7-9对小叶;具小叶柄的小叶,绿色在两面,扁化或者扁化, 5-7 * 1.5-1.7 厘米,两面无毛,基部近心形在斜截形或圆形,边缘尖锐锐裂状锯齿,先端圆形的到锐尖;茎生叶托叶绿色,镰刀形,草本,给锐裂状锯齿镶边;叶片象胚根叶的那但是高的更少和狭窄的小叶向上茎。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
