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与 德斯蒙德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And this fascinating stone house, pictured in Nas montanhas de Fafe in Portugal, looks like the perfect place for the Flintstones to live.


Ironically, this is what Edmund, of course, wants to do to Gloucester, but Gloucester is blind to Edmund's treachery.


I must reach Compiègne to-night, or I shall cause deep anxiety to my family.


This is a God that would be almost as unfamiliar to Edmund Gosse's father, to John Calvin or the pope as it would to a Roman sacrificing a bull to Mithras.


In "Father and Son", a memoir about loss of faith published anonymously in 1907, Edmund Gosse describes how it drove his father, himself an eminent zoologist, to take him to live on top of a cliff, cutting him off from the world in an attempt to protect him from this heretical notion.

在一本于1907年匿名出版、有关丧失宗教信仰的回忆录—《父与子》中,艾德蒙·高斯(音译, Edmund Gosse )描述了,它是如何迫使身为著名动物学家的父亲把他带到一个悬崖顶生活,将他和外部世界隔离,试图保护他不受这个异教观念的危害。

The History of Modern Italy begins in the year 1848 as revolution ended the old Hapsburg Empire. It would be the Kingdom Piedmont who would take advantage.


Howland, a Mount Holyoke graduate and native of Worcester, Mass., began mass-producing them.


Thrawn investigated the killings, and as the outbreak spread, was later forced to work with the S'korr warrior-poet Sh'shak, a Shi'ido anthropologist named Mammon Hoole, and Hoole's two Alderaanian wards, Zak and Tash Arranda, in order to survive.


I perswaded somebody in Italy, who laboured very much to speak Italian, that always provided he desired but to be understood, and not to seek to excell others therein, he should onely imploy and use such words as came first to his mouth, whether they were Latine, French, Spanish, or Gascoine, and that adding the Italian terminations unto them, he should never misse to fall upon some idiome of the countrie, either Tuscan, Roman, Venetian, Piemontoise, or Neapolitan; and amongst so many severall formes of speech to take hold of one.


Most of the losses are 19th and 20th century texts, including first editions of novels by Charles Dickens and John Updike, although many older books have also vanished, including a 1555 edition of 12th-century Jewish scholar Moshe ben Maimon's Letter on Astrology, missing since 1977, and a 17th-century guide to Rome.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
