英语人>网络例句>德斯蒙德 相关的搜索结果


与 德斯蒙德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Fulham have some good players and there's also the likes of Damien Duff, Brede Hangeland, Simon Davies and Clint Dempsey, so it's a good team and they have proved that over the season."


"On another occasion," continued Steiner in still lower tones, Leonide got her tenor down to Montauban. She was living in the Chateau de Beaurecueil, two leagues farther off, and she used to come in daily in a carriage and pair in order to visit him at the Lion d'Or, where he had put up.


Examples of possible leadership, focusing on countries that are not part of the group of eight industrialised nations (this need not be a requirement, provided the individual has a strong international perspective), include: Montek Singh Ahluwalia; Leszek Balcerowicz; Kemal Dervis; Francisco Gil Diaz; Stanley Fischer; and Trevor Manuel.


In 1897 the Calced Augustinians, numbering 319 out of 644 religious then in the Philippine province, had charge of 225 parishes, with 2,377,743 souls; the Discalced, numbering about 220, with 233 parishes and 1,175,156 souls; the Augustinians of the Philippine province numbered in all 522, counting those in the convents at Manila, Cavite, San Sebastian, and Cebú, those at the large model farm at Imus, and those in Spain at the colleges of Monteagudo, Marcilla, and San Millan de la Cogulla.

在1897年的Calced奥古斯丁,编号319的644名宗教然后在菲省,已收取的225堂,与2377743的灵魂;的Discalced ,为数约220 ,与233个教区和1175156的灵魂;的奥古斯丁菲律宾该省编号为522的一切,那些指望在修道院在马尼拉,甲米,圣塞巴斯蒂安,以及宿务,那些在大型示范农场危害,以及那些在西班牙的院校蒙特阿古, Marcilla ,圣密德拉鲁阿Cogulla 。

Positive: he included mention of a performance by Mrs Bandmann Palmer of LEAH at the Gaiety Theatre, 46, 47, 48, 49 South King street, an invitation to supper at Wynn's Hotel, 35, 36 and 37 Lower Abbey street, a volume of peccaminous pornographical tendency entituled SWEETS OF SIN, anonymous author a gentleman of fashion, a temporary concussion caused by a falsely calculated movement in the course of a postcenal gymnastic display, the victim being Stephen Dedalus, professor and author, eldest surviving son of Simon Dedalus, of no fixed occupation, an aeronautical feat executed by him in the presence of a witness, the professor and author aforesaid, with promptitude of decision and gymnastic flexibility.


TITLESSOLO CONTEST- Winner of European 1vs1 Ultimate B-Boy session 2 - Germany 1998- Winner of the best B-Boy at BOTY Scandinavia Sweden 2001- Winner of the 1vs1 UK-CHAMPIONSHIP - London 2001- Winner of the TV -show STAR SEARCH - Denmark 2004- 4th place - REDBULL BC-ONE - Switzerland 2004 CREW CONTEST- Winner of the Scandinavian BOTY 2001.2004.2005- Winner of the Scandinavian CIRCLE REVOLVING 2004- Winner of the URBAN GAMES London 2006- Winner of the HIPHOP CONECTION Italy 2006- Winner of the BLOCK PARTY Monpellier France 2006- Winner of the BREAKDANCE SESSION Poland 2004- Winner of the FLOOR WARS Copenhagen Denmark 2006- Winner of BOTY Scandinavia 2005 JUDGE- BATTLE MASTER Korea 2004- B-BOY HODOWN Texas 2005- THE MOST WANTED Catania Italy 2005- CARA A CARA Valencia Spain 2005- BOTY Poland 2005- BOTY East Germany 2006- BOTY France 2006- BOTY Korea 2006- GAMES ON DA FLOOR Igualada Spain 2006- REDBULL BEAT BATTLE London 2006- UK B-BOY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006- RED BULL BC ONE, Brazil, 2006

业权独奏有奖竞赛-冠军欧洲1vs1极限的B -男孩会议2 -德国1998年-瑞典斯堪的纳维亚得主博特2001年最佳的B -男孩-得主1vs1英国锦标赛- 2001年伦敦-冠军的电视节目新星-丹麦2004-第四名-红牛公元前的ONE -瑞士2004船员有奖竞赛-冠军的斯堪的纳维亚博特2001.2004.2005-冠军2004年的斯堪的纳维亚回转圆-得主城运会2006年伦敦-得主HIPHOP的连接如意大利2006年-得主法国2006块党校蒙佩利尔-会议的霹雳舞冠军2004年波兰-冠军地板的倍率丹麦哥本哈根2006年- 2005年北欧得主博特索非亚- 2004年韩国大师会战-乙男孩HODOWN 2005年得克萨斯州-你最期待的2005年意大利卡塔尼亚-拉一拉2005年西班牙瓦伦西亚-博特2005年波兰-博特2006年东德- 2006年法国博特- 2006年韩国博特-游戏伤残地板西班牙伊瓜拉达2006-红牛拍会战2006年伦敦-英国乙男孩锦标赛2006-红色公牛年代的ONE,巴西,2006

TITLES SOLO CONTEST - Winner of European 1vs1 Ultimate B-Boy session 2 - Germany 1998 - Winner of the best B-Boy at BOTY Scandinavia Sweden 2001 - Winner of the 1vs1 UK-CHAMPIONSHIP - London 2001 - Winner of the TV -show STAR SEARCH - Denmark 2004 - 4th place - REDBULL BC-ONE - Switzerland 2004 CREW CONTEST - Winner of the Scandinavian BOTY 2001.2004.2005 - Winner of the Scandinavian CIRCLE REVOLVING 2004 - Winner of the URBAN GAMES London 2006 - Winner of the HIPHOP CONECTION Italy 2006 - Winner of the BLOCK PARTY Monpellier France 2006 - Winner of the BREAKDANCE SESSION Poland 2004 - Winner of the FLOOR WARS Copenhagen Denmark 2006 - Winner of BOTY Scandinavia 2005 JUDGE - BATTLE MASTER Korea 2004 - B-BOY HODOWN Texas 2005 - THE MOST WANTED Catania Italy 2005 - CARA A CARA Valencia Spain 2005 - BOTY Poland 2005 - BOTY East Germany 2006 - BOTY France 2006 - BOTY Korea 2006 - GAMES ON DA FLOOR Igualada Spain 2006 - REDBULL BEAT BATTLE London 2006 - UK B-BOY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006 - RED BULL BC ONE, Brazil, 2006

业权 独奏有奖竞赛-冠军欧洲1vs1极限的B -男孩会议2 -德国1998年-瑞典斯堪的纳维亚得主博特2001年最佳的B -男孩-得主1vs1英国锦标赛- 2001年伦敦-冠军的电视节目新星-丹麦2004 -第四名-红牛公元前的ONE -瑞士2004 船员有奖竞赛-冠军的斯堪的纳维亚博特2001.2004.2005 -冠军2004年的斯堪的纳维亚回转圆-得主城运会2006年伦敦-得主HIPHOP的连接如意大利2006年-得主法国2006块党校蒙佩利尔-会议的霹雳舞冠军2004年波兰-冠军地板的倍率丹麦哥本哈根2006年- 2005年北欧得主博特索非亚- 2004年韩国大师会战-乙男孩HODOWN 2005年得克萨斯州-你最期待的2005年意大利卡塔尼亚-拉一拉2005年西班牙瓦伦西亚-博特2005年波兰-博特2006年东德- 2006年法国博特- 2006年韩国博特-游戏伤残地板西班牙伊瓜拉达2006 -红牛拍会战2006年伦敦-英国乙男孩锦标赛2006 -红色公牛年代的ONE,巴西,2006

Today, Spanish architects have growing influence throughout the world, as well as on Iberian peninsula, as a recent exhibition at New York's Museum of Modern Art amply demonstrated. The roster of twentieth-century and contemporary Spanish singers is impressive and well-known, among them Victoria de los Angeles, Montserrat Caballe, Alfredo Kraus, Teresa Berganza and, of course, Placido Domingo, who is also claimed by Mexico.


Galleries on the fifth floor display works from 1880 to 1940, beginning with such pioneers of modern art as Paul Cézanne and Vincent van Gogh and continuing with masterworks by Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Giorgio de Chirico, Fernand Léger, Constantin Brancusi, Piet Mondrian, Salvador Dalí, and Joan Miró, among others.

位于第五层的美术馆展示的作品年代从1880年跨越至1940年,从现代美术的先锋人物开始,这些人如保罗·赛兹安里(Paul Cézanne)、文森特·梵高,继而是:亨里·马提斯、帕布鲁·毕加索、乔治欧·德·奇里卡、费尔南达·雷格(Fernand Léger)、康斯坦丁·布朗克斯、派特·蒙德里安、萨尔瓦多·达里(Salvador Dalí)、琼·米诺,他们创造了伟大的艺术作品。

In consequence, he was almost always at odds with Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee, Stafford Cripps and his other political masters as he commanded the British Empire's forces, first against the Axis powers in north Africa and the Levant and then against the Japanese in Asia.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
