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与 德斯蒙德 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The presence of guttural sounds, diacritic aspirations, epenthetic and servile letters in both languages: their antiquity, both having been taught on the plain of Shinar 242 years after the deluge in the seminary instituted by Fenius Farsaigh, descendant of Noah, progenitor of Israel, and ascendant of Heber and Heremon, progenitors of Ireland: their archaeological, genealogical, hagiographical, exegetical, homiletic, toponomastic, historical and religious literatures comprising the works of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud, Massor, Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, Garland of Howth, Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto S.


For example, the character Professor Kirke bemoans the state of modern education, Edmund becomes a misfit when he begins to attend school, and later, in The Silver Chair, Jill Pole and Eustace Scrubb attend a terrible school that seems to be modeled closely on Lewis's own experience.


Hassel, Simmons, Yi, Anderson, and every other forward will no do well with this spread the court and lets give harris all the space you want.


Simeone's professional career began in Argentina with Velez Sarsfield, but he blossomed into one of the top midfielders in the world while playing in Europe.


The others were Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James, Simon, and Thaddeus.


Then follow the saints: Peter, prince of the Apostles, vice-regent of Christ; Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles; Andrew, who first heeded the call of the Master; James the Greater and John the Evangelist, the beloved disciple, who, with St. Peter, were most favoured by Christ; Thomas, called Didymus, who received from Christ signal proofs of His Resurrection; James the Less, first Bishop of Jerusalem; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew, once called Levi, the toll-gatherer, who wrote the First Gospel; Simon the Zealot; Jude Thaddeus; Matthias, who was chosen to fill the place of Judas Iscariot; Barnabas, called to the Apostolate by the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:2); Luke, the physician, writer of the Third Gospel and the Acts; Mark, the Evangelist, disciple of St. Peter; all the Apostles and Evangelists; the holy disciples of the Lord; the Holy Innocents, the infant martyr-flowers,"Who, slain at the command of Herod, confessed the name of the Lord not by speaking but by dying" Rom. Brev.

然后按照圣人:黄匡源,王子使徒,副丽晶基督;保罗,使徒的外邦人;黄宏发,谁第一个响应号召的主人;詹姆斯更大和约翰福音,心爱的弟子,谁,与圣彼得大教堂,最喜欢的基督;托马斯,所谓didymus ,谁收到了基督的信号证明他的复活;詹姆斯少,首先主教在耶路撒冷;弘;巴尔多禄茂;马修,一旦所谓的Levi ,不收费的采集,谁写的第一福音;西蒙该zealot ;裘德项;马提亚,谁被选为以填补地方犹大iscariot ;巴拿巴,所谓向使徒由圣灵(使徒13时02分);卢克,医生,作家对第三个福音和行为;马克,传道,门徒圣彼得;所有使徒和福音;圣地的门徒主;圣地无辜的,婴儿的烈士-鲜花,"谁,杀害在指挥希律,坦白的名称,主没有发言,而是由死"。

Bernard of Tuscany and of Lombardy, approved by Alexander VI (1497); the Congregation of Portugal, or of Alcobaca, founded in 1507; the Congregation of the Feuillants, founded by John de la Barriere in 1563, which spread into France and Italy, the monasteries of Italy, however, eventually detaching themselves from those of France to form the Congregation of the Riformati di San Bernardo; the Congregation of Aragon, approved by a Bull of Paul V (1616); the Congregation of Rome, or of Central Italy, created by a Decree of Gregory XV in 1623; the Congregation of Calabria and Lucania, established by Urban VIII in 1633, and to which was united the old Congregation of Flore, which had for its founder Blessed Joachim surnamed "the Prophet".

该教会的庆祝圣伯纳德西班牙,创办的大教堂马丁的巴尔加斯,在1425年,在附近的蒙锡永托莱多;聚集的圣伯纳德的托斯卡纳和伦巴第大区,批准了亚历山大六世( 1497年);圣座葡萄牙,或阿尔科巴萨,成立於1507年;圣座的Feuillants ,成立由John德拉鲁阿巴里耶尔在1563年,它蔓延到法国和意大利,意大利的寺院,但最终脱离自己免受这些法国形成教会的Riformati圣贝尔纳多;圣座阿拉贡,批准了红牛的保五( 1616年);的罗马天主教,或中央意大利,创造了一项法令的格雷戈里在1623年十五;圣座的卡拉布里亚和卢卡尼亚设立城市第八於1633年,并是美国的旧教会的花神,它的创办人有福约阿希姆姓&先知&。

Other characters making regular appearances are Grampa Simpson, Homer's cranky father with his fantastically unbelievable tales of yesteryear and inclination to fall asleep at any given moment; Homer's college friend Barney Gumble, the still single, overweight, beer swilling, constantly burping barfly; Mo, the caustic, self-loathing bar-owner with the secret soft heart; Monty Burns, Homer's boss and the ancient, evil owner of the nuclear power plant; Chief Wiggum, Springfield's junk-food and donut-munching incompetent arm of the law; Apu Nahasapeemapetalon, the oft-held-up manager of the local 'Kwik-e-Mart' store; Krusty the Klown, popular with the kids but offstage a jaded, cynical hack with a long history of overindulgence, gambling and substance abuse; Kent Brockman, the spoiled, self-important TV news anchorman; Troy Mclure, the ageing Hollywood star with the faltering career and bizarre sexual fetish; Rainer Wolfcastle, the Scwarzenegger style action movie hero with the Germanic accent and ultra-right wing views; the list goes on and on


TITLES SOLO CONTEST - Winner of European 1vs1 Ultimate B-Boy session 2 - Germany 1998 - Winner of the best B-Boy at BOTY Scandinavia Sweden 2001 - Winner of the 1vs1 UK-CHAMPIONSHIP - London 2001 - Winner of the TV -show STAR SEARCH - Denmark 2004 - 4th place - REDBULL BC-ONE - Switzerland 2004 CREW CONTEST - Winner of the Scandinavian BOTY 2001.2004.2005 - Winner of the Scandinavian CIRCLE REVOLVING 2004 - Winner of the URBAN GAMES London 2006 - Winner of the HIPHOP CONECTION Italy 2006 - Winner of the BLOCK PARTY Monpellier France 2006 - Winner of the BREAKDANCE SESSION Poland 2004 - Winner of the FLOOR WARS Copenhagen Denmark 2006 - Winner of BOTY Scandinavia 2005 JUDGE - BATTLE MASTER Korea 2004 - B-BOY HODOWN Texas 2005 - THE MOST WANTED Catania Italy 2005 - CARA A CARA Valencia Spain 2005 - BOTY Poland 2005 - BOTY East Germany 2006 - BOTY France 2006 - BOTY Korea 2006 - GAMES ON DA FLOOR Igualada Spain 2006 - REDBULL BEAT BATTLE London 2006 - UK B-BOY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2006 - RED BULL BC ONE, Brazil, 2006

个人比赛奖项:- 1998年德国,欧洲极限单人对决b-boy第2季冠军- 2001年瑞典斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街舞比赛年度最佳的B -boy - 2001年英国伦敦锦标赛担单人决冠军- 2004年丹麦寻找明星电视节目选秀冠军- 2004年瑞士红牛一对一斗舞比赛第四名团体竞赛奖项:-斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街舞比赛2001.2004.2005年度冠军- 2004年的斯堪的纳维亚旋转舞比赛冠军- 2006年伦敦城市运动会冠军- 2006年意大利说唱嘻哈接龙冠军- 2006年蒙比利埃街区音乐派对冠军- 2004年波兰霹雳舞赛季冠军- 2006年丹麦哥本哈根击倒作战赛冠军- 2005年斯堪的纳维亚BOTY街舞比赛冠军曾担任的评审:- 2004年韩国战斗大师- 2005年得克萨斯州HODOWN b-boy - 2005年意大利卡塔尼亚龙虎新风云- 2005年西班牙瓦伦西亚闪舞- 2005年波兰博特街舞- 2006年东德博特街舞- 2006年法国博特街舞- 2006年韩国博特街舞- 2006西班牙伊瓜拉达游戏地板- 2006年伦敦红牛对决战- 2006年英国b-boy锦标赛- 2006年红牛斗舞比赛

The idea that each of us contains many possible selves, patiently waiting to be liberated by circumstance, has long been an attractive one for Proust's biographers, who have drawn attention to the large number of Prousts who seemed to live within the same skin: the reclusive socialite (Proust's most recent biographer in English, Edmund White, describes him as a 'playboy-monk'); the critic of habit who lived according to strict routines; the sensitive aesthete who became sexually excited by watching caged rats being stabbed with hatpins.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
