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Finally, we analysed the application of microfluid DPIV technology in oil contamination on time analysis ststem, and achieved the expectant results.
The more general conservation principle of energy, energy balance equation and Hamilton principle of thermopiezoelectricity and magnetoelasticity for micropolar continua are established.
This dissertation studies their actuating characteristic, manufacturing process, microfabricating technology, and applications in MEMS.
Methods The clinical data of 11 patients with nonfunctonal pituitary adenomas confirmed by operation and pathological examination from 1993 to Jan of 1997 were analyzed.
系统分析 1987至 1997年 1月经手术和病理证实的 11例无功能垂体微腺瘤的临床资料。
The main contents include:(1) Survey on construction technologies of ecological river ;(2) Discussion on ecological restoration technologies in canalized river in china;(3) Comparative study on two kinds of filler m.
This paper reviewed microsclerotia or spores in soil are stimulated to germinate by host root exudates, hyphae colonizes on the surface of root, pathogens penetrate epidermis and develop in cortex, expand on stem and leaf, and symptom development, shows that host plant develops various barriers to restrain this fungus invasion.
The system makes operators obtain the telepresence of grasping force and avoid damnifying the crisp objects in tele-micromanipulation.
The first chapter of the paper mainly states the research of HPM source and HPM appliance based on the transit-time effect,the second chapter introduces a variety of HPM source in investgating course,capability,fabric,research condition,developing tendency aspects and so on,the third chapter descants HPM source based on the axial transit-time effect , the radial transit-time effect and the low diode impedance HPM source based on the axial transit-time effect,the forth chapter includes a conclusion of HPM source and HPM appliance based on the transit-time effect,and gives a assumption of the work in the future.
The team developed a siRNA product that specifically blocks the transcription of the gene that codes for IL-8, thereby blocking production of this protein, and encases it in a liposome delivery system. In mouse studies, this product showed activity against 2 ovarian cancer cell lines, both when used alone and when used in combination with docetaxel. In addition, the mouse studies revealed that the product was decreasing tumor growth through anti-angiogenic mechanisms — the treated tumors showed a lower microvessel density, the researchers report. This product was "highly effective in our preclinical studies and may merit clinical development," they write. However, they also caution that the cell lines used to create the mouse models might not accurately reflect the heterogeneity seen in human tumors.
The team developed a siRNA product that specifically blocks the transcription of the gene that codes for IL-8, thereby blocking production of this protein, and encases it in a liposome delivery system. In mouse studies, this product showed activity against 2 ovarian cancer cell lines, both when used alone and when used in combination with docetaxel. In addition, the mouse studies revealed that the product was decreasing tumor growth through anti-angiogenic mechanisms — the treated tumors showed a lower microvessel density, the researchers report. This product was \"highly effective in our preclinical studies and may merit clinical development,\" they write. However, they also caution that the cell lines used to create the mouse models might not accurately reflect the heterogeneity seen in human tumors.
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Lugalbanda was a god and shepherd king of Uruk where he was worshipped for over a thousand years.
Lugalbanda 是神和被崇拜了一千年多 Uruk古埃及喜克索王朝国王。
I am coming just now,' and went on perfuming himself with Hunut, then he came and sat.
我来只是现在,'歼灭战perfuming自己与胡努特,那麼,他来到和SAT 。
The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and of St.