英语人>网络例句>微型 相关的搜索结果


与 微型 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

C Battery: lead-acid batteries in general, small micro-system, can also be used nickel-hydrogen batteries, nickel cadmium batteries or lithium batteries.


In addition, we have reduced the overall number of disposable items in our micro-kitchens and cafés.


Single slice microcomputer, can also think to be a kind of calculator integrated circuit chip.


Colonoscopy, where the interior of the colon and rectum is examined using a tiny camera mounted on a flexible tube, is the most sensitive test available and has the benefit of allowing removal of pre-cancerous polyps.


Recently, a small RIP named as cinphorin was isolated from the seed of camphor tree.


Excess micro to continue filling the canard, either on the top or the


The complex data of 15 items on body measurements and bodyweight of the Charolais sheep were processed by means of the principalcomponent analysis with the aid of personal computer.The main traits:4-month weaning weight,daily weight gain between 70-120 days heart girth,hipwidth,circumference of cannon bone and rump area are reguired to select theshort thigh type of meat sheep.Classified figure of the lambs was alsodrawn.This study has provided advanced analytical method for the meatsheep breeding.

本研究借助微型电子计算机,运用主分量分析等现代数量化理论分析方法,对比较复杂的、难以直观分析的夏洛来肉羊的15个体重、体尺性状资料进行了分析处理,最终选出了4月龄体重、70~120d 日增重、胸围、腰角宽、管围、尻面积为主要测量性状的低躯广身体型的肉用羔羊,并给出了羔羊分类排序图,为今后我国肉羊选种选配及品系繁育提供了科学的依据和分析方法。

The Pearl Harbor Incident was on December 7, 1941 the early morning,the Japanese empire navy's aircraft carrier carrier plane and theminiature submarine suddenly attacks the United States Navy Pacificfleet in Hawaian base Pearl harbor as well as the United States Armyand on navy's in Ou Hu island airport event.


Drinking-cups of gold and ivory, chiseled by Benvenuto Cellini; cabinets of buhl and porcelain, bearing the cipher of Austrain Marie Antoinette, amid devices of rose-buds and true-lovers' knots, birds and butterflies, cupidons and shepherdesses, goddesses, courtiers, cottagers and milkmaids; statuettes of Parian marble and biscuit china; gilded baskets of hot-house flowers; fantastical caskets of Indian filigree work; fragile tea-cups of turquoise china, adorned by medallion miniatures of Louis the Great and Louis the Well-beloved, Louise de la Vallière, and Jeannne Marie du Barry; cabinet pictures and gilded mirrors, shimmering satin and diaphanous lace; all that gold can buy or art devise had been gathered together for the beautification of this quiet chamber in which my lady sat listening to the moaning of the shrill March wind and the flapping of the ivy leaves against the casements, and looking into the red chasms in the burning coals.


One is centralized control, that is, all control of the robot by a microcomputer to complete.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
