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与 御用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As early as the Neolithic site of the dawenhe River have unearthed "" spinning LUN; dynastry was born lingocelluose textile machine tool-waist; inclined beams machine appears in the Han dynasty, it was the world's most advanced loom; theyu, people are the tactics and rubbing in the cotton textile technology, so that the cheap manufacturing process fully mature; the old homespun in the Qing dynasty, the emperors, become a special oouchi Queen's counsel.


Later, we will visit the Egyptian Museum, home of King Tutankhanum's priceless treasures and magnificient collection of antiquities including mummies and sarcophagi.


He talked only to sycophantic journalists and his appeal in the West came mainly from hagiographies written by reporters whose careers were built on the access they had to him.


In Vive l'Amour, Tsai's recurring hero Hsiao Kang is not capable of staying "inside."


In Vive l' A mour , Tsai's recurring hero Hsiao Kang is not capable of staying "inside."


From the creation of Jasper and Queen's Ware then to the purity of fine bone china now, Wedgwood has never accepted second best.

从最初的贾斯帕尔陶瓷和皇后御用陶瓷(Queen's Ware)到现在的纯骨瓷,威基伍得从不做第二。

Among the highlights of Sotheby's spring sale: a white jade Qianlong period seal that earned HK$95.86 million, about double its presale estimate, and an 18th Century Imperial Court necklace that fetched HK$67.86 million, or about eight times the estimate.


Five representative compounds were isolated as QC and biolocial study standards from three different species of Aloe by using preparative HPLC, CCC and other routine chromatography methods: Aloesin, Aloeresin A, and Barbaloin from dried latex of the leaves of A.


On-line and off-line scanners for QC of biaxially oriented films usually contain both normal and oblique light paths, combined with orientation-angle measurements.


"Our Lord and God" was the official title of Domitian, the Roman emperor during the time of the writing of the book of Revelation. It was in refusing to acknowledge the emperor as lord and god that the Christians of John's day suffered persecution and death.

4:11 「我们的主,我们的上帝」曾是杜米仙的御用头衔,他正是在启示录写作时期在位的罗马皇帝,就是因为在约翰的时代基督徒们,拒绝承认这位皇帝是主、是神,他们遭受到逼迫和死亡。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
