英语人>网络例句>御用 相关的搜索结果


与 御用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the purpose of spreading enjoyment of life to living room, Home Boutique even stepped across the field of kitchen and bath, acting as an agent of a famous furniture brand named Baker of the White House and fashionable furniture brand named GIORGETTI from Italy, LeeSa has been becoming a omnibearing art gallery of life.

为了将奢华生活的享受延伸到生活起居空间,丽舍还跨越原来的厨卫领域,代理了美国白宫御用知名家具品牌 Baker,及意大利时尚精品家具GIORGETTI,成为了一个全方位品味生活艺术馆。

According to the record, 219 B.C., east Chin Shihhuang patrols way this place, sees on the island the water plant to be luxuriant, Gumma gallops, regards as a treasure trove, then the instruction in this horse breeding, feeds specially the imperial family to serve as a tool.

据记 载,公元前219年,秦始皇东巡途经此地,见岛上水草茂盛,群马奔腾,视为宝地,便指令在此养马,专供皇家御用

It is said that Baron George-Eugen e Haussmann, the imperial architect who led the rebuilding of Paris, planned to build wide, straight boulevards _(4)_ the army could march while making excessive noise to impress the citizens.


Am June 2 at the Taipei Computer Show at the conference, Tt go DesignworksUSA in addition to outside executives, AMD vice president of business development platform Levi Murry will also be attending, I believe that since Level 10 chassis will become the Queen's AMD platform products .

6月2日上午在台北电脑展举行的发布会上,Tt除了请到DesignworksUSA高管外,AMD平台业务开发副总裁Levi Murry也将到场,相信此后Level 10机箱将成为AMD产品的御用展示平台。

The Master absconds with the Sash andthe Great Key of Rassilon and reveals the Eye of Harmony locatedbeneath the Panopticon floor.


It would certainly not be proper for the court to pronounce against part of a will as a means of expressing its disapproval of the propounder.

5.8 本身是御用大律师的暂委法官 Jules Sher 只向被告人 Geoffrey 宣布该遗嘱部份有效,但是没有宣布上述这部份有效,这是因为一个名为"正义的交易"的"法则"。

Our QC personnel will ensure the product quality for customer satisfaction.


From the "Beautiful Feet" started杨亚洲Ni Ping as a heroine of the Queen, together,"Butterfly" is the ninth time the two "hand."


He is an honorary Queen's Counsel and has been an adviser to governments throughout the world.


Qing Dynasty, the imperial court of the state Juhong been designated as a tribute will, as a Queen's Counsel drugs.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
