英语人>网络例句>很细心的 相关的搜索结果


与 很细心的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We receive a text message. Avoid the Prnu bypass because of roadworks. It will be quicker to go through the city centre. That is a nice, useful, considerate bit of advice to receive. What is unusual is that it comes from Estonia's president, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who is driving back from Poland on the same route.

因为道路施工,我们收到了一条短信叫我们绕开Prnu,这真是一条很有帮助的,细心而考虑周到的建议,不寻常的是这条短信来自爱沙尼亚总统,Toomas Hendrik Ilves,他从波兰驾车回来,路过同一条路。

Also, Thank my teacher very much for He/She given me the growth and care for long time! As a nurse,Not only need a strong sense of responsibility, patience and chariness, The most important is have a sincere love, Let the sick as own relatives to care,I think I have these conditions, and Please believe me that I will not live up to your expectations of me if every teacher give me this opportunity, and In a progressive, positive, and unpretentious, undaunted to face my future nursing work, I will be my limited youth offere to this great career..


They will block kerf between the seal with epoxy cement prison, and then a little way to the surface of disappearing, is almost identical with the original, if not carefully see if it is difficult to see the middle has been cut.


With the initial understanding of personnel management for 20 days, has been engaged in the same work.temper my patience and meticulousness, the students overcome common sights illnesses.

第一次使用,因此暂无积分悬赏,对不起!但真的很急,请帮帮忙!镇江市人才市场 2004.1 整理简历,进行电脑输入,对人才管理工作有了最初的认识 20天的时间,一直从事同一样工作,磨练了我的耐性和细心,克服了大学生普遍存在的眼高手低毛病。

My bad habit was biting my fingernails. I did it when I was nervous or when they were a little rough. They looked terrible. I was embarrassed for anyone to see them. Finally, I started carrying a nail file with me. Instead of biting my nails, I began to take care of them. Within a month they looked better.


He is self-driven and extremely meticulous .


Is painting had realistic model. The vividness in figure painting, brightness of still-life and splendor of landscape painting formed his style as a whole, which showed some kind of oriential feelings.


I know it is romantic to send sweet words to each other on MSN, and lovely to send interactive images on QQ. And I also know from your short messages that you really care about me. But I am tired of sending a red lip image when I want to kiss you, or a waggling mouse image when I want to hug you. Neither do i want to do nothing but read the short messages you sent me again and again in the evening until I fall aleep.


If you abuse your car it won't last long before it is trashed.


As the fatIT of hospice care not, stitches rearoused, doctors say the wound healing, but can grow quite well.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
