英语人>网络例句>很成功地 相关的搜索结果


与 很成功地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their participation enables otherwise impossible take atteempts to become successful; The involvement of the arbitrager explains very well the widely observed stock market movement during the process of the takeover, including the dramatic rise in share price and in transaction volume. It predicts that in most case, a high transaction volume is associated with a high success rate, as well as with a high post-announcement trading price. Also, the higher the bidding price, the higher the success rate and the bigger the jump in share price; The existence of the arbitrager implies that in the tender offer, the shareholder can always expect to get a fixed portion of the total value improvement by the raider. This surprisingly simple division rule of the takeover surplus may have great implications for related empirical research and indicates that the market for corporate control may be efficient.


While she has that distinctive sexiness of a Bond girl she also holds her own quite well, succeeding as a character and not just a piece of eye candy.


Practical test's results shown that the system, realized in the thesis, succeeded in setting up short-range wireless communication link and completing the task of transferring characters, well achieving its preconcerted goal.


During the warping process the operation of image coordinates transformation and image interpolation are separated, which replaces the traditional warping operation by row and column gradually.

而基于控制点网格的图象变形算法是由 Smythe于1 990年提出的,它已被成功地应用于电影特技效果的制作中,并在《Indiana Johns》和《The lastcrusade》等影片中取得了很大成功。

The Good: It successfully copies the oft-imitated-but-untouchable Grand Theft Auto formula; fun, responsive driving controls are as good as on-foot shooting action; impressive presentation, featuring amazing explosions and great audio; mostly well-written, well-acted story will compel you to keep playing; various little why-didn't-someone-think-of-that-sooner features.

优点:成功地摹仿了 GTA 那些"经常被摹仿,从未被超越"的成功秘诀;游戏好玩,驾驶操控和徒步持枪游击的操作感都非常好;令人印象深刻的表现手法,爆炸效果华丽,音乐精彩;台词和虚拟表演都很好地展现了剧情,能让玩家保持游戏兴致;诸多出彩的小细节——"要是有人早点想到就好了"。

For the first time we synthesized nanoscale metal hydrides of lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, dysprosium, and ytterbium with high efficiency under mild condition by complexometric catalysis instead of traditional preparation at high temperature and high pressure. It is for the first time that we synthesized lanthanide organic compounds with catalysts or initiating agents at atmosphere and ambient temperature,and some of them are new compounds. Nanometric lanthanide metal powders are prepared by thermal decomposition of the compounds in vacuum. Differently from the traditional method, size of the products prepared by our method is less than 40nm, and the activity of the reaction is very high. They are pyrophoric at atmosphere. They can make some reactions without activity or low activity show extremely high activity .We investigated influent regulations of methods, conditions to scale and special surface.

我们首次成功地用络合催化等方法取代需在高温高压下进行的传统方法,在温和条件下高效率地合成出纳米尺寸镧、钕、钐、镝、镱的金属氢化物;首次在常压常温的条件下,通过催化、引发等方法合成镧系金属有机化合物,再将其真空热分解成功地制备了纳米尺寸的镧、钕、钐、镝、镱等金属粉末;与传统方法不同,这些方法得到的产品基本颗粒尺寸小于 40 nm,遇到空气燃烧,具有极高的化学反应活性,使原来活性很低甚至观察不到活性的反应大幅度提高反应速率和产率;考察了制备方法、制备条件等因素对晶粒尺寸、比表面积大小等的影响规律。

Tonight, David, Jack and I and my other colleagues are here, with the help of Zhongshan Miracle English Club, with the help of Selly and her Colleagues, to enjoy the opportunity to share our experience of how to learn English well, and how we, as English teachers, can help you succeed in learning English and succeed in your career with English.

今天晚上,在中山市奇迹英语俱乐部Selly 的帮助下,David,邹老师和我有机会在这里很高兴地和大家分享怎样学好英语地亲身体验,并且和大家共同探讨我们,作为英语老师,如何帮助大家学好英语,实现踏上成功英语和英语成功之路的梦想。

Due to the complexity of the cell jitter, the NonSynchronous Tining Recovery methods are currently not mature With the emphasis being given to the Class A CBR traffic, this paper analyzes the performance of the queueing delay and cell jitter at the source node and intermediate nodes, and discusses the Source Timing Recovery at the destination node in ATM networks Firstly, this paper presents a description of the cell jitter of CBR traffic, and gives the definitions of two kinds of cell jitter regarding the Source Timing Recovery for CBR traffic Then, by using exact mathematical models and analysis methods, this paper analyzes the impact of the factors, such as the capacity of the queueing buffer, the randomness, the deterministic nature and the correlation in cell arrivals of the background traffic sources, on the queueing delay and cell jitter performance of the CBR traffic through Statistical Multiplexitng To obtain an insight into the power spectral distribution and look for better schemes for the depression and filtering of the cell jitter, within the analyses we succeed deriving the power spectrum of the cell jitter for CBR traffic Hence, not only the power spectral distribution of the cell jitter can in the frequency domain be qualitatively understood, but also can the rms (root-meansquare) value of the cell jitter be quantitatively obtained so as to more accurately measure the amplitude of the jitter In the end-to-end performance analysis of the queueing delay and cell jitter, we propose a kind of quasi-periodic cell stream model to characterize the jittered CBR traffic, and present an initial queueing analysis of the CBR traffic following such a model at a generic intermediate node Additionally, we briefly discuss the buildout/playout and Source Timing Recovery functions of the destination node Finally, regarding the Source Timing Recovery of CBR traffic, this paper systematically discusses several important principles of the cell jitter filtering and depression reported in the literature, introduces several implementation schemes of the Source Timing Recovery e.


Among other things being equal, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more swiftly than a man whose command of language is poor.


Magically, I told only a handful seem to let it understand , then it quickly turned back, the cat titled access fish in the mouth. Now quickly went to the bush under the pomegranate tree, it was quietly eating the fish, it was very cautious, afraid of eating fish fishbone. Also swallow a bite of fish, it seems very cute, it is a lot of garbage debris inside the bush, I would like to distance take it photos. There is no success for the photos!


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
