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与 形式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research is little and unclear about the physiological metabolism and biological activity caused by structural differences between yam steroid saponins and sapogenin. In this study, therefore, the furostanol glycosides and spirostanol glycosides with different forms of glycoside, and diosgenin with no glycone were isolated from yam (Dioscorea Pseudojaponica Yamamoto in Taiwan) that were investigated the effect and mechanism on anti-cancer for the structurally different Saponins and sapogenin.

然由於目前对於山药类固醇皂及皂元间结构差异所造成的生理代谢与生物活性之研究甚少,仍不甚明了,因此本研究以台湾基隆山药为原料,分离出furostanol glycosides和spirostanol glycosides等不同形式配醣体结构之皂,并与不含醣基之薯蓣皂元(diosgenin;DIO)进行实验,探讨山药皂抗癌之功效与机制,并进ㄧ步探讨比对此些功效与机制是否因山药皂配醣体结构(furosten和spirosten)形式之不同,以及醣基之有无而有所差异。

In this article,we mainly study the space-like submanifolds with parallel mean curva-ture vector,constant scalar curvature or constant square length of the second fundamental form,respectively.We obtain some pinching theorems and rigidity results by estimating Laplace of the square length of the second fundamental form of the such submanifolds and using yaus maximum principle or Stokes Theorem.

本论文主要研究de Sitter空间中具有平行平均曲率向量、常数量曲率或第二基本形式模长平方是常数的三类类空子流形,并通过分别估计三种情形下子流形的第二基本形式模长平方的Laplace,利用Yau的极大值原理和Stokes定理,获得了这些子流形的一些拼挤定理和刚性定理。

The Drama again—as, for instance, the finest of Shakespeare's plays in England, and all leading Athenian plays in the noontide of the Attic stage—operated as a literature on the public mind, and were (according to the strictest letter of that term) published through the audiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were published as things to be read; and they were published in this scenical mode of publication with much more effect than they could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing.


First,schoolchild shape creation ability development course has five main implications:(1) having the continuous change development characteristic,(2) appearing comparative primary and the simple connotation,(3) belonging to the spontaneous shape creativity manifestation to be widespread,(4) taking the creative imagination as the main manifestation,(5) owning the function and the status which cannot be substituted.


Prusiner's next step was to suggest that there could be two shapes of PrP: the normal form found in healthy mammals and the diseased "scrapie" form.


There have three compress modes, such as hand jack, electromotion screw compress and hydraulic compress.The material of the filter plate is cast iron,stainless steel,polypropylene and rubber etc.


From a structural form, the main difference is that the sealing component used in the form of.


From a structural form, the main difference is that the sealing component used in the form.


Structural form, the main difference is used in the form of sealing components.


In Chapter2, we first study the existence of Chebyshev coordinates of time-like (or space-like) submanifolds with a constant sectional curvature in N〓. Afterwards, we generalize the classical Backlund theorem for space-like (or time-like) submanifolds in N〓 and N〓.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
