英语人>网络例句>形式 相关的搜索结果


与 形式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are in the development of high-end residential, the only choice to start using some form of insulating glass, such as the nightside, low-floor, in the constant observation, we found that not only thermal insulating glass also isolate the noise, so to break the original design, will all form insulating glass are used, although a number of companies spending more than the cost, and most houses have been sold, but a business-friendly image and the permanent interests of its clients, greatly improving the degree of satisfaction with the owners.


For the development of the Divine office into its present form see the articles, BREVIARY; CANONICAL HOURS; and also the various "hours", eg, MATINS, LAUDS, etc.; LITURGY, etc. In the east this solemn liturgical prayer remains today almost the sole active work of the monks, and, though in the west many other forms of activity have flourished, the Opus Dei or Divine Office has always been and still is regarded as the preeminent duty and occupation of the monk to which all other works, no matter how excellent in themselves, must give way, according to St. Benedict's principle (Reg.Ben., xliii)"Nihil operi Dei praeponatur"(Let nothing take precedence of the work of God).

为发展神圣的办公室到目前的形式见的文章, breviary ;典型小时;也是各种"小时",例如,晨祷,赞扬等;礼仪等,在东方的这个庄严的礼仪祈祷今天仍然是几乎唯一的积极工作僧众,和,虽然在西方的许多其他形式的活动已蓬勃发展,该作品dei或神的办公室,一直和仍然被视为是杰出的责任和占领和尚,这是所有其他工程,不管如何优秀,在自己的,必须给予的方式,根据圣本笃的原则( reg.ben , XLIII )号" nihil operi dei praeponatur "(让没有优先考虑的工作上帝)。

As the negation of the hemi-rational and arbitrary judicial system, legal reasoning is the way to justice and the rule of law. In contrast, the logical method of legal reasoning is the noetic beyond the social system.


Results form theoretical literature support the use of multiple performance measures to induce the desired allocation of effort among the agent's multiple tasks and to reduce the noisiness of performance measures resulting form events beyond the manager's control.


On the other hand, it is exemplified in the present paper that the principle of material frame – indifference with the admissible equivalent dynamic processes of a body by Truesdell and Noll (1965) [14] is more convenient than the form-invariance of constitutive functionals by Svendsen and Bertram (1999) [13] and Liu (2004)[4], especially for the rate-form constitutive equations.

通过例子说明了Truesdell和Noll 用等价动力过程,关于物质标架无关性原理的陈述,比Svendsen 和Bertram及Liu的本构关系在参考标架变换下的形式不变性更合理且方便,尤其是对微分方程形式的本构关系更是如此。

The subject will be in the nominative form in languages with case distinctions, the form of the predicate verb will have to be in agreement with the subject in certain categories.


Two application methods of Lagrangian equation and bond graphs in the dynam-ics of electro-mechanical systems are discussed with stress laid on the AFS methodsuch that:1.the relation between the non-conservative generalized force(orgeneralized electromotive force)E_i and bond graph is clearly illustrated and 2.theimproved method for calculating the generalized force(or generalized electromotiveforce)E_i for the electro-mechanical system is presented.

本文首先讨论并对比了拉氏方程与键图在机电系统动力学上应用的两种不同形式。并提出了:①关于运用 AFS 形式时非保守广义力 E_i 与键图间的关系;②机电综合系统中计算广义力E_的改进方法。

Structural style: The drive type may divide into the power drum line and the nonmotile drum line, the arrangement form divides into the level transportation drum line, the inclined transportation drum line and the curve drum line.


Researching theory develop according to general rule that it was known by you:in the future,due to nonobjective researchful result ,new structure will be created----calligraphy.baseing on the concept,new theory will be created----calligraphy theory.by dint of this sort of theory,we may clarify its experience in moving and predict its form .


Ution fairness is showing out with the certain norm form and legal form fair relations from person to person, Based on this, we analyze the premise, material base , thought condition and the generated direct drive force of the institution fairness ,which has solved its possibility problem.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
