英语人>网络例句>形式 相关的搜索结果


与 形式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Support for Forms: This in short means Acrobat PDf will contain embed forms which can ...

支持形式:这意味著以Acrobat PDF短期将包含嵌入的形式,可以。。。

The first half of this manual has been primarily concerned with creating form using line, emphasizing the need to visualize the whole form and to draw across the surface of the form to show its volume.


On the basis of distributive shapes of point collection on the Poincare section, define three indexes to quantitatively describe the distribution of point collection. Which are distance between two adjacent points, diffused angle and distance between every point and center point of point collection.


Real options in real estate is increasingly becoming a new form of corporate finance, performance for the local real estate enterprises in the development of real estate before the completion of the flats in a number of sets of real estate in the form of options, agreements for sale to the price in advance foreign investors, local real estate sales as a business start-up money into the further development process.


After confirming the pricing mode basically, the author analyze three effective operating forms in pricing combining China's objective current situation at present. The forms are the hearing, competing price in advance and getting involved afterwards. Then the author present the operating forms suitable for the present demand for development. So the theory of pricing in public-private partnership has been perfected on the system aspect and operation aspect. At last, the author presents the conditions that can optimize the pricing in public-private partnership of quasi-public utilities.


Judging from the mode of presentation and standard of current technique, Web Advertising can be grouped as, Banner Ads, Co-brand Contents Ads, Advertorial Ads, pop up ads, Special Dynamic Ads, Email ads, Event Ads, offline ads and more.


Whenever psychological consultors face to cope with the advisee's problems of values, he or she should comply with the rules of trying for the advisees' maximum of benefit, analyzing the specific issues either to keep value neutrality or to carry out value intervention, on the basis of facts of the advisee's reality value intervention, which is licit, can be done with verbal means or nonverbal one, and the consultor may intervene in the advisee's values with value criteria of general significance.


A friendly interest in persons is a form of affectionateness, but not the form which is grasping and possessive and seeking always an emphatic response.


As for the influence of mental imagery on advertisement effects, this study found that awareness and action is affected by modality; interest, and desire is influenced by modality, vividness, and affectivity.


And numerous invisible signals are in the air, from radio waves to thought forms, which you have no conscious sense of at all.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
