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与 形式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bernstein type theorem; Quaternion Euclidean space; minimal Lagrangian graphs; Twisted special Lagrangian submanifold; twisted normal bundle; Austere submanifolds; Real space form; Complex space form; Hamiltonian minimal submanifold; A Lagrangian submanifold with conformal Maslov form

基础科学,数学,几何、拓扑伯恩斯坦型定理;四元数欧氏空间;极小拉格朗日图;扭曲特殊拉格朗日子流形;扭曲法丛; Austere子流形;实空间形式;复空间形式;哈密尔顿极小子流形;具有共形Maslov形式的拉格朗日子流形

In this dissertation, we construct the Bariev model with nine kinds of boundary fields by the matrices K_± defining the boundaries. And then the Lax operator is given in the form ofmatrix, as well as the basic quantities, e.g., the R -matrix, the monodromy matrices and the transfer matrices are defined. By using the expression of the local Lax operator of the model,the action of the monodromy matrices T, T~(-1), U_ on the pseudo-vacuum state is given outin detail. Furthermore, the main fundamental commutation relations are obtained through the reflection equations, the recursive n-particle state as well as the one-particle exact solution is given and the Bethe ansatz equations are found accordingly. Finally, we list the nesting boundary K matrices, which play a crucial role for obtaining the n-particle solution and finding the Bethe ansatz equations, the eigenvalues of the transfer matrices and the energy spectrum of the system by means of the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz method.

在这篇文章中,我们利用边界K_±矩阵构造出了具有九种边界场的Bariev模型,同时给出了该模型L算子的具体矩阵表示形式,并定义了R矩阵,monodromy矩阵以及转移矩阵;接着利用L算子的矩阵形式,给出了其对应monodromy矩阵T、逆矩阵T~(-1)作用到真空态上的值,并利用Yang-Baxter关系及反射方程得到了双行monodromy矩阵U作用到真空态上的值;然后利用反射方程通过复杂的计算得到了一系列重要的基本对易关系式,并给出了模型的递推的多粒子波函数、单粒子解及Bethe ansat方程;最后给出了模型的嵌套的边界K矩阵的具体形式,从而为运用嵌套Bethe ansatz方法求解该模型的多粒子解、Bethe ansatz方程以及系统的能谱打下了很好的基础。

By applying the law of energy transformation and conservation in electromagnetism to a sinusoidal steady state linear exchange network,the aauthors obtain a new expression of the law in which the merits of such energy forms as resistance,capacitance,self induction and mutual induction of four kinds of elements are embodied.


The range of evolutionary theories during "the eclipse of Darwinism" included forms of "saltationism" in which new species were thought to arise through "jumps" rather than gradual adaptation, forms of orthogenesis claiming that species had an inherent tendency to change in a particular direction, and forms of neo-Lamarckism in which inheritance of acquired characteristics led to progress.


The Nietzschean conception of body seems then to make a place for new kinds of bodies with new kinds of inner lives, a place in fact that it is in our power to construct.


Secondly, the thesis tries to find out aspects on the works of art that are on the surface of impersonal existence, associated with art and people, and most likely to draw people's attention other than their reality. These aspects are images and forms, especially the using of lines, which is the most living form in my study of Chinese painting. The topic extends from the using and exhibition of lines in the sketching and art creation, further to the intuition, which is the way and measure of obtaining the form of the works of art. Intuition is a nonfigurative emotional activity that melting the sensibility and logos of human being. The thesis discloses that emotion is the momentum of art intuition.


Aristotle's idea of form could be divided into two parts, the aesthetic form and the ontological form.


The result shows that Co and Cu are associated with exchangeable fractions, which represents stonger mobility;Pb in iron-manganese fraction represents stonger potential mobility;Zn and Cr existed in oxidizable and residual fraction and Ni in residues represents weak mobility or immobility.


Based on the above work, a method is presented for translating LFC function definitions into the intermediate representation, which includes analyses of recursive parameters and definition forms of functions, parameter substitution, representation translation of patterns and expressions, transformation of function definitions from incomplete construction forms to complete construction forms, and pattern-matching translation.


The parametric representation of segment can be gained from quadratic patch and constrained equations with cubic patches.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
