英语人>网络例句>形势 相关的搜索结果


与 形势 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to adapt to the new situation and circumstance, the State Copyright Bureau decides to change the layout of and replace the "Inspection Certificates" and re-issue them.


In this situation, the books will gradually become the access to and the main way to increase my knowledge, and the library would naturally occupy in people's lives in a certain location, how to scientifically manage the library is not only related to the convenience of the reader to seek knowledge level is also related to library development, therefore, develop a comprehensive library management system will become essential, and this paper describes the environment in the Visual Basic6.0 adoption of the "top-down master plan, bottom-up application of development "strategy of development of the detailed process of this system is proposed to achieve the library information management, the basic objective of sharing resources, thus promoting the pace towards the digital library and described the system architecture design and functional design, from the warehouse of books Registration to the query view, from the library card issued to the lending of books, forming an overall automated management model, from the perspective of software engineering, scientific and rigorous exposition.

在这种形势下,书籍就渐渐地成为人们获取并增长知识的主要途径,而图书馆就自然而然地在人们的生活中占据了一定的位置,如何科学地管理图书馆不但关系到读者求知的方便程度,也关系到图书馆的发展,因此,开发一套完善的图书馆管理系统就成不可少了,本文介绍了在Visual Basic6.0环境下采用"自上而下地总体规划,自下而上地应用开发"的策略开发本系统的详细过程,提出实现图书馆信息管理、资源共享的基本目标,从而推动迈向数字化图书馆的步伐,并阐述系统结构设计和功能设计,从图书的入库登记到查询浏览,从借书证发放到图书的借阅,形成了一个整体自动化管理模式,从软件工程的角度进行了科学而严谨的阐述。

In his view, the price is almost not a problem, the future of Beijing's overall planning and real estate situation is the focus of him.


If it kicks off a national trend, it could realign the contours of the trillion-dollar construction industry.


According to the importance of《the marriage law》in realitic life , it is necessary for us to study the marriage procedure system. The marriage procedure system, as an important law system to manage the marital relationship,has already obtained great consummation and complementarity for a long time ,however, with the development of the society, the marriage family relation is becoming more and more complicated and also b...


But the war changed the international situation of the area, US had to reappraise its strategy in the area and according to it, reviewed the strategic status of Israel.


American economic situation is low fan, making reappraise of industry of native land semiconductor appear on the market place.


With the reassignment of property rights, this situation


The basic tasd, principle and recommence of the unemployment problem were draw out from the analyzination and the research on the quality, main reason, distribution situation and feature, and the existed problem of the obtaining employment at present in this thesis.


The basic tasd, principle and recommence of the un employment problem were draw out from the analyzination and the research on the quality, main reason, distribution situation and feature, and the existed problem of the obtaining employment at present in this thesis.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
