英语人>网络例句>形势 相关的搜索结果


与 形势 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Spain,"the tired out of civil strife, Spain's representative institutions Castilian control of Congress will be handed over to royal tax," in France, because "three meeting the aspirations of their desire to end France's unrest, so that the royal family does not After the consent of the will to win the right to levy taxes, creating tensions that power has passed, that authority has long been preserved."


They argue that, with the banking industry catatonic and consumers pulling their purse strings ever tighter, the world is so topsy-turvy that any financial goal will be out of date as soon as the ink dries on the press release.


It's the latest in a series of attacks in Russia's troubled North Caucasus region.


As far as the situation in the Caucasus, especially in the South Caucasus, we have discussed it today.


In general, China's economic situation is good, central production and operations are good.


In the US,high crime rate,lynching tradition in the south and having never been ruled by the Nazi are all reasons why the public opinion is in favor of death penalty,which exerts a deep influence on politicians.the US Supreme Court and district courts as well as the prosecution.In China,deteriorate social order,ceremonialist tradition,ancestral ideas and lack of the Enlightenment spirits make public opinion strongly support death penalty,which in turn has great impact on the party in power,the legislature,the judiciary and the prosecution.


Leading entertainment technology to forward development, it is the key point for CETA to developing in industry.


Now what lies in front of CHAC is how to make good sales strategies, and how to increase the sales percentage in the market, therefore improving its own competitiveness in order to achieve the long time-scale development goal.


With social development and the change of Situations, the hot issues college students pay attention to show diversity and changeability.


That the 2008 economic and financial situation is complex and changeable year.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
