英语人>网络例句>归纳为 相关的搜索结果


与 归纳为 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Each color has a different meaning: Red indicated absolute loyalty: dark red signifies a loyal and brave general; purple indicated wisdom, bravery and firmness; black indicates loyalty and uprigntness; a watery white indicates craftiness and treachery; an oily white indicates conceitedness and arrogance; blue indicates firmness and bravery; green indicates chivalry; yellow indicates cruelty and ruthlessness; tile- gray indicates a fierce and ambitious old man; and gold and silver are used for gods, Buddhas, demons and ghosts.


Based on description method of damping motion in mechanical vibration, variables movement of generator are divided into two basic motion models: damping oscillation and critical damping motion. Detail methods of extracting damping parameters from simulation data is introduced to establish variable motion models. An approximate method is put forward to simulate low-frequency signal and generator response characteristic, from which motion models and damping parameters of main variables are obtained. The influences of oscillation amplitude, frequency and initial operating point of power system to the motion damping parameters are analyzed.


The annual surface runoff quantities on the land of cryptomeria,water fir andblack locust stands are smaller than that of bare land by 53.3%,43.9% and 33.5%,respectively.


The process of ecological degradation in the vicinity of Shaoguan Pb/Zn smelter may be summed as: heavy metals and acidic deposits from the waste gas from smelter resulted in the vanishment of the sensitive plant species, increasing accumulation of heavy metals in soils and acidification of topsoil worsened the chemical properties and then shallow-rooted plant, mainly the herbaceous, vanished. With the demolishment of the vegetation cover, increasing water-soil erosion worsened physico-chemical properties of soil and, subsequently, some woody plants disappeared and barren land was finally appeared.


In practice, there exists all kinds of emolument system and they can be concluded into four modes: post-based mode, performance-based mode, skill-based mode and market-based mode.


Among them the influence factor of the stock is mainly: Fund manager select stocks ability, investment style and ability to deal with the accident, national macroeconomy situation factor, the market value of stock usually have the direct influence to the fund net value; To bond part in the net value of the fund, interest rate and the investment ability of fund manager concerns the value level of this part of assets directly, because the securities regulator of our country has made the regulation to the proportion of the fund investment bond besides this, so, this proportion will restrict fund managers investment on the bond either, thus exercise an influence on some value of bond ; Besides stock and two bond, to another important component in the net value composition --The cash, we will all sum up its factor of exerting an influence for the mobile risk factor, namely the risk as a reasult of the exility of cash.


The method of extremum is given for extraction of edge contours.

本文的主要贡献及创新点可归纳为以下几个方面: 1。

In the part I, the concept, development and current lawmaking status of E-mail are introduced. In this part, the writer states the source, development and basic technical principals of E-mail and analyses its current application status and the importance of effectiveness identification of being evidence. Besides, related international laws on E-mail and lawmaking status in many countries are introduced. Present situation of our country's lawmaking and related model laws since the utilization of E-business and E-mail are also stated and discussed. Part II emphasizes on the differences between E-mail and traditional evidences and generalizes the characteristics of E-mail, i.e.: forgeability, changeability, dependence, uncertainty, duplicatability and transmission. Through the detailed analysis, the writer concludes that it is the above-mentioned characteristics to hinder E-mail becoming the effective evidence. Part III is the key one of this article and mainly discusses the effectiveness identification of E-mail as evidence. In this part, the writer states how the 5 characteristics of E-mail mentioned in Part II to affect the validity and authenticity of E-mail as evidence.


The research work in this paper mainly includes the following parts:(1) Establishment of the reference model of process control system and its formalization.


Lin Qianliang concluded the curative effects of tea as following aspects, namely: Help less sleep, tranquilize the nerves, brighten eyes, fresh brain, quench thirst, promote the body fluid, clear heat, relieve summer heat, expel the poison, promote digestion, keep fat off, break wind, eliminating dampness, relax the bowels, dispel phlegm, expel pathogenic wind from body surface, consolidate the teeth, cure the heartache, cure furunculosis and paralysis, relieve hunger, benefit physical strength, prolong life and others.

林乾良教授将茶的疗效归纳为以下几个方面,即:少睡,安神,明目,清头目,止渴生津,清热,消暑,解毒,消食,去肥腻,下气,利水,通便,去痰,祛风解表,坚齿,治心痛,疗疮治痿,疗饥,益气力,延年益寿及其他。科学研究表明,普洱茶除了和其他茶类一样具有以上功能外,现代研究证实在以下几个方面疗效更为突出: 1。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
