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与 归纳为 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

objective to analyze the ct appearance of thyroid carcinoma and the differential diagnosis of various thyroid disease.methods 83 cases of thyroid carcinoma and 119 cases of various benign disease with surgical and pathologically proved were analyzed retrospectively.results the ct findings of 83 cases of thyroid carcinoma include:ill defined nodules boundary (n=62),irregular necrosis(n=59),cystic(n=23),"peninsula" enhancing tubercles around the tumour(n=25),"mastoid" tubercles around the tumour(n=11),calcification(n=55) including large scale(n=27) and local(n=28),trachea invasion(n=15),neck or supraclavicular lymph node metastasis(n=27),the accurate of ct to differentia benignancy from malignancy on thyroid disease was 93.6%(189/202).conclusions "peninsula" enhancing tubercles was the characteristic sing of thyroid carcinoma,"mastoid" enhancing tubercles or large scale calcification was the affirmative sign,the ct signs was vary useful to differentiating thyroid disease.

摘 要]目的:分析甲状腺癌的ct表现及鉴别诊断要点。方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的83例甲状腺癌和119例甲状腺良性病变的ct表现,归纳总结不同病变的ct特征。结果:83例甲状腺癌中:边界不清62例,不规则坏死59例,囊性变23例,出现"半岛状"强化结节25例,"乳头状"强化结节11例,钙化55例(其中弥漫性钙化27例、局灶钙化28例),侵犯气管15例,颈部或锁骨上淋巴结肿大27例,ct对甲状腺病变的良恶性鉴别诊断符合率93.6%(189/202)。结论:"半岛状"强化结节是甲状腺癌的特征性表现,"乳头状"强化结节及弥漫性钙化可做为甲状腺癌的肯定性征象,掌握各种甲状腺病变的ct表现特点,对病变的定性诊断及鉴别诊断具有重要意义。

With internationally latest studies, the paper also proposes some biquadrate filters which are capable to perform the functions of second-order low pass、 high pass、 band pass、 band stop、 all pass filtering by selecting one of the three inputs or their proper combinations from the same configuration, furthermore whose natural frequency and the quality factor can be tuned independently. Then a continuous-time biquadratic filter using CCCII is proposed, which can be used in hearing aids and in other analog signal processing applications. Lastly a current mode and a voltage mode novel n-order filters of multifunction are presented. Not all both of the n-order filters are electronic tunable,but also they are integrated conveniently and compatible with VLSI technology.


First, the background and significance on the issue of capital market efficiency is pointed out, the related theoretical research is analyzed, and that offers theory and method support for the research of this paper.


Other suggestions were made as followed:(1) Resource teachers should provide assessment service to regular students, and help handling students without the certificate of disability, but needed special attention;(2) Resource teachers should provide exceptional students more classes and coordinate with regular teachers in arranging class schedule;(3) When designing curriculum, resource teachers should consider students' abilities and the continuity of the curriculum;(4) Resource teachers should provide standard of scoring and students' scores to regular teachers, and also provide exceptional students supportive services during the exam;(5) Resource teachers should provide mainstreaming guideline for regular teachers and students, and also post-mainstreaming services as well;(6) Resource teachers should connect with regular teachers more often and actively to discuss the situation of the students, also provide assistance and counseling strategies to regular teachers when needed, in order to solve the problem of students with disabilities in regular classes;(7) Regular teachers felt positive regarding the services provided by resource teachers.

四、 开放性意见归纳如下:希望资源班教师为普通班学生进行鉴定服务,并服务未持有身心障碍手册的学生;能提供学生较多授课时数,排课时与导师或科任教师协调;依照学生能力设计课程,注意课程衔接问题;提供评分标准、学生成绩及考场支持服务;提供回归标准及回归学生的后续支持服务;主动与导师沟通,讨论学生状况,并能提供普通班教师适时协助及辅导策略,解决身心障碍学生在普通班的问题;普通班教师肯定资源班教师提供的支持服务。研究者根据研究结果提出建议,作为资源班教师、普通班教师、行政单位及未来研究之参考。

Based on the chromatology, urban planning theory, human geography, the thesis brings up the conception and elements of city color to date, and analyses certain issues such as perspective, harmony and regionality of city color. Aiming at the chaotic and inharmonious state of city color in China, the research puts forward a new reasonable and effective control method —the method of three elements, and it also concludes the contents of city color planning involving color survey, evaluation, orientation and zoning.


According to the results obtained during the observation,the scale is composed of 4 kinds of chromatophore,namely,erythrophore,xanthophore,melanophore and guanophore,which distribute the upper and lower layer of the scale.It is the different combination,sizes an...


Goodfellow case as a basis to make the standard criteria including: the understanding of the nature of a will and codicil, the knowledge of the general extent of one's assets, the knowledge of the natural object of one's bounty, the understanding of the impact of the distribution of the assets of the estate, and the absence of a delusion specifically affecting the distribution of the estate. The impact factors of the testamentary capacity, including dementia, mood disorder, schizophrenia, alcohol, drug, and undue influence, etc., are summarized.


Goodfellow case as a basis to make the standard criteria including : the understanding of the nature of a will and codicil, the knowledge of the general extent of one ′ s assets, the knowledge of the natural object of one ′ s bounty, the understanding of the impact of the distribution of the assets of the estate, and the absence of a delusion specifically affecting the distribution of the estate. The impact factors of the testament ary capacity, including dementia, mood disorder, schizophrenia, alcohol, drug, and undue influence, etc., are summarized.

Goodfellow 案例为基础制定的标准,包括理解遗嘱的性质和附加条款、对自己资产的基本认识、对自己可分配物品的认识、理解自己财产分配所带来的影响和不受妄想影响下分配财产,并归纳遗嘱能力的影响因素,包括痴呆、情感障碍、精神分裂症、酒中毒、精神活性物质和不适当影响等。

Then summed up in three main points of the same type of design:complanation, colorize and theme method.


The elastic stress diagram design method is behind the times and cant meet the command in practice.In the paper the author collected and analyzed a large amount of data about the SLRCP on several typical domestic model experiments and the projects in practice. By summarizing and analyzing the data, the author set up a typical computing model and analyzed the model by the software ANSYS, by reading the output data of the stress and the crack from the program, combined with the experimental results, the author summarized the destroy procession of the stock. The paper also discussed the influence of other main factors to the crack and the stress besides the internal water pressure, such as the concrete material, the dimension of stock and the way of laid-out steel bars.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
