英语人>网络例句>强韧的 相关的搜索结果


与 强韧的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Manila hemp.


The results showed:among the 7 isolates, five isolates of HY3、GY1-3、ZJ1-1、HP1、FC3 had same colony shape, irregular shape, liquidlike, slimy, opacity with smooth surface;the other two isolates had same shape, irregular shape, dry, opacity with coarse surface. By inoculating eucalyptus with the 7 isolates, the plants were infected apparently, and the young plants of eucalyptus in control experiment with tap water were not infected. By cultivating eucalyptus cuttings with the bacterial suspensions without EPS, the incidence of disease was very distinct,but compared with the former bacteria suspension,the incidence of disease has decreased at different degrees. By screening out two isolates of strong pathogenicity and two isolates of weak pathogenicity from the 7 isolates,making the bacterial suspensions with them to inoculate the young plants of eucalyptus, two treatments of cutlings and ramets with rats were set with 5 repetitions in every treatment, the results of data analysis showed: for the cutlings, the bacterial contents in upper and middle parts、upper and lower had significant difference;for ramets with roots, the bacterial contents in upper, middle parts, lower had significant difference between each other; For both the cutlings and ramets with roof, the bacterial contents in xylem and phloem had significant difference. The interaction between vertical and horizontal parts for the bacterial content had significant difference. For the two isolates of HY3 and 93B which were screened out at last,their activities of the cellulase were: 1.955ug/ and 1.288ug/ respectively, and had significant difference; the activities of pectase were: 1.325 ug/and 1.24ug/ respectively, and had no significant difference. The content of EPS extracted from the two isolates of HY3 and 93B was very different: 7.08x10-8ug/cell and 5.17x10-8ug/cell.

结果显示:7个菌株中,其中5个菌株HY3、GY1-3、ZJ1-1、HP1、FC3的菌落形态相同:不规则形状、流体、粘性、不透明、表面光滑;另外2个菌株93B、GN1菌落形态相同:不规则形状、干燥、不透明、表面粗糙;用7个菌株接种剪根桉树苗,发病情况非常明显,而自来水对照实验中桉树苗却不发病;无EPS菌悬液培养桉树剪根苗,发病率也很明显,但是相比原菌液,则发病率有不同程度的下降;从7个菌株中间筛选出来2个强致病性菌株和2个弱致病性菌株,用它们配制菌悬液培养桉树苗,设置剪根和不剪根两个处理,每个处理设置五个重复,数据分析结果显示:对于剪根苗,上部和中部、上部和下部的含菌量有显著的差异,中部和下部含菌量差异不显著;带根苗,上部、中部、下部含菌量彼此之间差异显著;不管是剪根苗还是带根苗,木质部和韧皮部含菌量之间的差异都非常显著;上中下与木韧交互作用中,含菌量差异非常显著;最后筛选出来的强弱2个菌株HY3和93B,它们的纤维素酶活性分别为:1.955ug/和1.288ug/,具有显著的差别;果胶酶的活性分别为:1.325 ug/和1.24ug/,没有显著的差别,而且HY3和93B两个菌株细胞分泌的胞外多糖的含量差异很显著,分别为:7.08×10-8ug/cell和5.17×10-8ug/cell。

I want to think of poems as if made in a shot tower, a tall building where molten lead poured through a sieve drops a long way, with surface tension forming perfect spheres, annealed by the plunge into the cold water tank of reality at the bottom.


With the quick development of glass electric melting technology, glass electric melting furnace have higher requirement to tin oxide electrode from the early density to subsequent electric performance. Recently, the research in toughing of ceram boosted the progress of stannic oxide electrode, especially in toughing.


With the quick development of glass electric melting technology, glass electric melting furnace have higher requirement to tin oxide electrode from the early density to subsequent electric performance. Recently, the research in toughing of ceram boosted the progress of stannic oxide electrode, especially in toughing.


The results show that the CNTs are dispersed effectively by bell jar immersing precast block casting. The maximal tensile strength and the elongation of the AZ31/CNTs composites are enhanced by 41.3% and 119.4%, respectively, and the elastic modulus and micro-hardness are also raised by 67.8% and 66.9%, respectively, when compared with those of the as-cast AZ31 Mg alloys. The CNTs can greatly refine the grains of the composites, playing a good role in reinforcing the matrixes of AZ31 Mg alloy. The fracture sections of the composites mainly consist of dimples and prisms, which demonstrates quasicleavage fracture modes.


The results show that the CNTs are dispersed effectively by bell jar immersing precast block casting. The maximal tensile strength and the elongation of the AZ31/CNTs composites are enhanced by 41.3% and 119.4%, respectively, and the elastic modulus and micro-hardness are also raised by 67.8% and 66.9%, respectively, when compared with those of the as-cast AZ31 Mg alloys. The CNTs can greatly refine the grains of the composites, playing a good role in reinforcing the matrixes of AZ31 Mg alloy. The fracture sections of the composites mainly consist of dimples and prisms, which demonstrates quasi- cleavage fracture modes.


The mechanical properties of the modified material were tested, and the thermal stability of the modified EP blend was also investigated by TG. The results indicate that the graft copolymerization between PU and EP effectly inforces the miscibility of the PU/EP system. Compared with the properties of pure EP, the impact strength and tensile strength of the PU/EP with high thermal stability are markedly enhanced, and the fracture surface of the PU/EP system displays tough fracture features.


T he results indicated that suitable p rocessing technology and the interaction b etween the silanol groups of SiO 2 surf ace and PVC matrix made fumed silica well di spersed in the matrix by nano-meter size, even the fumed silica particles had n ot been treated.

目前的研究主要集中在纳米CaCO3增韧PVC[2~ 5] 。气相法白炭黑作为高分子材料的添加剂、补强剂[6 ] 对聚合物性能的提高和改善受到科研工作者的关注。

Results show that chemical reaction between additives Al2O3 and Y2O3 accelerated the liquid phase sintering and the formation of the YAG non-crystalline,which was beneficial to improving fracture toughness of Cf/SiC composites.Higher sintering temperature resulted in the strongly bonded fiber/matrix interface.Fiber push-off,crack deflection and grains bridging are main toughening mechanisms of silicon carbide cera...

结果表明:烧结过程中,烧结助剂Al2O3、Y2O3之间发生化学反应,促进液相烧结,形成晶界间的次晶相YAG(3 Y2O3.5Al2O3),有利于提高复合材料的断裂韧性;在较高烧结温度下,碳纤维、烧结助剂与基体间发生反应,形成较强结合界面;纤维拔出、裂纹偏转和晶粒桥联是碳化硅陶瓷的主要增韧机制。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
