英语人>网络例句>强调的 相关的搜索结果


与 强调的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He notes that some researchers put few or no qualifications on their enthusiasm for self-control, essentially arguing that more is always better. But Kohn proceeds from a definition of "self-control" that differs from that used by these researchers ( Roy Baumeister , Angela Duckworth , Walter Mischel , and Marty Seligman ), and indeed, by virtually all of the important researchers in the field.

他指出一些实验者很少或者根本没有强调他们在自律方面的热情,着重强调热情越高越好。K对于"自律"的定义与其他研究者的定义不同(如 Roy Baumeister , Angela Duckworth , Walter Mischel , and Marty Seligman ,而事实上他们是这个领域非常重要的研究人员。

Rowling emphasized the information was revealed because she was asked a direct question about it, and said she didn't feel the need to be explicit about Dumbledore's sexual preferences because she wanted to focus on character development.


He occasionally resorts to the bully-pulpit to chivvy legislation along: this week he hammered away at the importance of health-care reform at a press conference on June 23rd and held a televised town-hall meeting in the White House on the health-care crisis next day.


The standard of physics curriculum call for variety of evaluation method, which put special emphasis on the evaluation impact in aspect of promote students development be, but not emphasize evluation function of distinguishment and selection.


Heller—Knight Model stressed the balance of trades effect in the currency structure of foreign exchange reserves decision. Dooly model shows the trade flows, the debt payment and the exchange arrangements will all affects the currency structure of foreign exchange reserves. There is some logic to each of these three models, but are not comprehensive enough.


The current disdain for "evangelicalism" in Reformed circles is also wrong because it places the accent on the distinctives of Reformed theology and practice instead of on what we have in common with evangelicalism.


The current disdain for "evangelicalism" in Reformed circlesis also wrong because it places the accent on the distinctives ofReformed theology and practice instead of on what we have in commonwith evangelicalism.


Both stressed the importance of its unique "customs, and of self-entertainment" and other characteristics, but also reflects the contemporary inter-ethnic region of the customs and spirit of the times, closely culture "to carry forward the traditional Chinese cultural arts, literary works reflect the times to emphasize the melody" literary approach.


But the one-sided emphasis on the doctrine of psychological factors in the aesthetic and artistic activities to the role of the one-sided emphasis on the non-utilitarian, to the neglect of social practice and theoretical understanding of the factors aesthetic activities of the fundamental constraints, inevitably slide into the ultimate subjective idealism.


For example, in a 1921 symposium on the definition of intelligence , 1the American psychologist Lewis M. Terman emphasized the ability to think abstractly, while 2another American psychologist, Edward L. Thorndike, emphasized learning and the ability to give good responses to questions.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
