英语人>网络例句>强调的 相关的搜索结果


与 强调的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But contracts were enforced in the common-law action of assumpsit without any such requirement; in actions of assumpsit the emphasis was rather on the harm to the promisee, and detrimental reliance on a promise may still be the basis of contractual relief.


Our leaders had failed to see that the emphasis on symbol manipulation at IIT left little room for social thought and much scope for the greedy outcomes of capital-driven business.


First, it emphasizes metaphysical coherence; ie, it seeks to express a vision of God and the world by a coherent and clearly defined set of metaphysical concept.


The counterbore at the crankcase joint line is to ensure that the stresses are distributed over a larger area in order to even out the clamping loads on the joint faces(line of max stress is at 45 degrees) this means that the clamping loads loads can ideally overlap at the joint face it also has the bonus of giving a longer bolt length which means less stress on the bolt for the same tightening torque.


"It may be any of various elements that form the base of a structure, such as the platform forming the floor and substructure of a Classical temple, a low wall supporting columns, or the structurally or decoratively emphasize d lowest portion of a wall."


"It may be any of various elements that form the base of a structure, such as the platform forming the floor and substructure of a Classical temple, a low wall supporting columns, or the structurally or decoratively emphasized lowest portion of a wall."


President Lin Chun-shin pointed out that this contention evoked academic disputes because the book adopted inappropriate basic documents and division of historical periods. Besides, there was a lack of foreign comparison and precise definition. Individualism was not uniquely from England. The author should have ulterior motives for discussing individualism with the inclusion of all behaviors of "free tenants." For example, he intended to relate individualism to capitalism. As a matter of fact, capitalism is only a system stressing that the function of "capital" is to shape an efficient society. The said society, whether it upholds individualism or the familism, or adopts other polity, could function just the same.


This paper discusses such problems which are easily solved incorrectly in limitedteaching as, segment function is uncertain not to be elementary function, elementary function is un-certain to be continuous in its field of definition, unlimited variable is uncertain to be infinity, theinfinitely many infinitesimal is uncertain to be infinitesimal, the multiplication of two non- infinitesi-mal is uncertain not to be infinitesimal.

1分段函数不一定不是初等函数我们知道初等函数的定义是:常数和基本初等函数经过有限次的四则运算或复合,用一个解析式表示的函数叫初等函数。教材中的定义强调的"有限次"和"一个解析式",使很多同学产生"非有限次"和"非一个解析式"的函数就不是初等函数的误解。例1f=ceox,s xx!0为分段函数,但也可以表示为f=e12(x-x2")+cos12(x+x2#"$)-1,故为初等函数。

Ward, Garth Hudson, Sarah Harmer, and members of The New Pornographers, Los Lobos, Calexico, The Sadies, Visqueen, The Lilys, and Giant Sand, among others. In addition to twelve new songs written by Case, Middle Cyclone includes covers of 'Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth' by Sparks, and "Don't Forget Me" by Harry Nilsson.

Neko Case还以加拿大独立乐队The New Pornographers当中的一名成员而为人们所熟知,与她的个人计划不一样的是,The New Pornographers强调的音乐风格比较偏向于力量型,这和乐队八名成员有六名都是男子有着一点关系,这支The New Pornographers乐队的每个人都有着自己的分支计划,但绝没有影响到The New Pornographers的整体。

"Our results suggest a link between insulin problems and the origins of Alzheimer's disease and emphasize the importance of insulin in normal brain function," Elina Ronnemaa, MD, of Sweden's Uppsala University, says in a news release.

&我们的研究结果表明,连接胰岛素问题,以及起源的阿尔茨海默氏症和强调的重要性胰岛素在正常的脑功能,& elina伦内马,海事处,瑞典的乌普萨拉大学,在一份新闻稿。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
