英语人>网络例句>强硬的 相关的搜索结果


与 强硬的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

MRI inter-rater reliability showed fair/moderate agreement in normal and ankylosed segments and only slight agreement with lesser degrees of facet arthrosis.


In December, the cable and broadcast industries genuflected twice to federal regulators and members of Congress who pressed hard for self-regulation by an industry that values its First Amendment prerogatives almost as much as bottom-line profits.


In the early days of his involvement, King was troubled by telephone threats, discord within the black community and Montgomery's "get tough" policy, to which King attributed his jailing on a minor traffic violanon.


Thousands of Chinese have lionized him for standing up to the security forces that are increasingly seen as a blunt instrument of the Communist Party's chief aim: to ensure its authority by maintaining stability and stifling dissent.


Certainly in USSR many saw China as a far more likely adversary than USA in 1960s and some Stalinist hardliners may even have plotted to start a nuclear war between US and China as a means of naturalizing Mao (see "Red Star Rogue").

上个世纪60年代前苏联还一度视中国为比美国更为可能的入侵国家,一些奉行强硬路线的斯大林主义者甚至还密谋策划过中美之间的核战争来除掉毛泽东(参见《Red Star Rogue

In domestic terms, taken such a hard-line stance could be seen as smart politics, successful outmaneuvering his opponents.


A country that once was known for stonefaced spokesmen spouting slogans has displayed a remarkable finesse in forging new relationships and revivifying old ones.


And after he scored 12 of his 28 points in the fourth quarter — eight after the injury — it sent a message to the beautiful people over on the other bench: These Rockets aren't as talented as the Lakers, but they're tougher. Grittier. Scrappier.


Shaft Drive 4WD System Proven tough shaft drive system with full time four wheel drive for excellent handling, durability and protection against rocks that can get stuck in the drivetrain of belt-driven cars.


He...managed to reassure colleagues that his sometimes brashly expressed hawkish views would not jeopardise Japan's improved ties with China and South Korea.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
