英语人>网络例句>强硬的 相关的搜索结果


与 强硬的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

News 1 政治 United Nations Security Council is 13deadlocked on whether to accept a tough new US resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq.

政治 联合国安理会在关于是否接受美国新的关于对伊拉克动武的强硬决议时陷入僵局。

Plastic road is often a protective agent as a result of sweep/, due to the protective agent concentration is too high or that anisotropism baalhermon rubber road, after baked hardening-solid plates, in developering, causing holdout.


Are you tough enough to endure the path to enlightenment and a smoke-free life?


This promising young fighter needs a tough opponent to spar with,to prepare him for the big fight.


If prudence is telling the central bankers to stand pat, so is their optimism. The Fed is not among those who believe that America's unexpectedly deep housing bust will drag the rest of the economy down. In a recent speech Mr Bernanke made it clear that he saw little sign of the housing recession spreading elsewhere. A stream of weak statistics in subsequent days, particularly a report hinting that manufacturing was in recession, suggested that his optimism might be misplaced.


What was expected to be a tough match-up turned out to be a steamroller as Vidal swept past Altomare, this time drilling him 9-3 in a short half-hour beating.

什麼是预计将强硬匹配的后续演变成一场高压作为维达尔席卷过去altomare ,这个时候钻井他9月3日,在短短半小时的殴打。

The resistance to it is likely to stiffen as more such schemes are introduced.


The Commission's tough line may at least offer some succour to Microsoft's rivals.


While I understand the aversion of most Malaysians and their political leaders towards any racially-charged issue, it is also unhealthy to sweep things under the carpet.


A group of Pharisees and scribes approached Him, dragging with them a terror-stricken woman, whom with hard, eager voices they accused of having violated the seventh commandment.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
