英语人>网络例句>张 相关的搜索结果

与 张 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brown's balance between club-ready dance tunes and smooth love balladry is finely honed here, and while the longevity of the singer's career is still uncertain (Brown was shy of 20 years old when the record was released), EXCLUSIVE proves his debut was no fluke.

Brown在专为club准备的舞曲和柔滑的情歌之间的平衡感在这专辑中得到精细地磨练,但同时他的歌手生涯是否能够长期延续下去仍不确定(当唱片发行时Brown还差一点才满20岁), EXCLUSIVE证明了他首专辑的成功并非偶然。

Still beatable but right now Im trying another map (it's a secret) which is really hard to do a good run on.


Ooop! I meant to post this Oshio beni photo.


Confirmation of Hitler's bibliophilic inclinations also appears in the form of a rare photograph of his small apartment in Munich showing "Hitler posed in a dark suit before one of his two bookcases"— a handsome piece of furniture with scalloped molding —"his arms crossed in an assertively proprietary gesture."


Finally, twelve monthly binning secchi depth maps are build by using 1988 MODIS images from 2004 to 2007. The results show annual variation of secchi depth, absorption coefficient, and backscattering coefficient.


Expert " most Lei Ren's word is on the network from mouth to mouth, for example Zhang Wei of dean of courtyard of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of canal of Beijing University brilliance greets " damage of Chinese reform increase is the biggest is a cadre ", Beijing day criterion of Zhang Shuguang of economic institute director " reform should use corruption and bribery, so that reduce the barrier of power move and repartition " wait, often cause a netizen group rise and attack,"Bricky home " spread fast waiting for a word, but " cerebral damage one word is rarely seen.


This group includes the high school dropout and professional car racer Han Han, 25, who derides China's inefficient educational system in his novels and regularly insults older, more established artists on his blog, and Zhang Yueran, 26, whose novel "Daffodils Took Carp and Went Away" features a bulimic girl who falls in love with her stepfather, is mistreated by her mother and is sent off to boarding school.


From 1997, Changyu began to itinerantly exhibit all over China, one hand is to disseminate wine knowledge and enlighten wine healthy consumption manner; the other hand is to display oriental wine culture of centurial Changyu.


Lake Champlain is named for the French explorer Samuel de Champlain who first saw it in sixteen-oh-nine.


Have a good swim company director and tall canal share 7, it is company president respectively Wang Tao of Zhang Chaoyang, presiding apparitor, presiding financial Guan Hejie, presiding operation is Guan Chende article, presiding technical officer Hong Xiaojian, still have Zhang Yaqin of 2 independent director and Dave DeYang additionally.

畅游公司董事和高管共有7名,分别为公司董事长朝阳、首席执行官王滔、首席财务官何捷、首席运营官陈德文、首席技术官洪晓健,另外还有2名独立董事亚勤和Dave DeYang。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
