英语人>网络例句>张 相关的搜索结果

与 张 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He took out a half-length photo he pre-prepared from his pocket, handed to Yi Min:"I don't know if I can come to school again next term. Please keep this photo of mine as a souvenir."


Each painting in the Migration Series measures about thirty by forty-five centimeters. Lawrence worked with tempera paints or poster paints on a hardboard material. He chose these paints because they were low in cost. And Lawrence applied these pure colors directly onto the work surface to achieve a bold and energetic effect.

在黑人移民系列画中,每一画的尺寸大约是30*45cm ,劳伦斯将蛋彩画颜料或广告颜料放在一硬纸板上进行创作,他之所以选择这些颜料是因为这些颜料的成本很低,而且,劳伦斯直接将这些纯正的颜色用于作品的表面,以达到一种大胆而且充满活力的效果。

She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matterhow rich he was.


Results Of 177 cases,contusion of lung(n=115),traumatic wet lung (n=17),laceration of lung and hematomas of lung (n=16),atelectasis and consolidation (n=24)(includingthedelayed11),hemothorax(n=85)(includingthedelayed21)pneumothorax(n=17),pneumohemothorax (n=15),hemomediastinum(n=7),peumomediastinum(n=9),fracture of rib (n=94) and other organs' injuries.


I'm not entirely sure what this is all about. But AP moved this photo of Hideki Matsui holding up a drawing of his new wife during a press conference he held today.


But you white photograph is really good-looking skirt, or wear high-necked shirts goes on well, next to me as a bodyguard, seemed style.


Mr Wright said: In some ways I prefer the sketch to what ended up on the cover. It's more dynamic: in the final version, the hippogriff is not moving quite so fast.

Wright 先生说:在某种意义上,比起最后用作封面的那画,我更喜欢这草图,它更有动感:在最后的封面版本里,那头鹰头马身有翼兽看上去飞得不够快。

Joba Chamberlain struck out two in a hitless eighth to the delight of his polio-stricken father, Harlan, who attended the game and cheered from his motorized scooter.


In this photograph a hostile crowd in a slum surrounds him. And Joshua remains silent as they vented their rage against him. This image, to me, is almost like from a Shakespearean play, with a man, surrounded by various influences, desperate to hold on to something true within himself, in a context of great suffering that he has created himself.I was intensely moved during all this. But the question is, does forgiveness and redemption replace justice?

塞内加尔年轻人,坐在轮椅上,他曾是童兵,受将军指挥,直到他抵抗命令,将军开枪射断他的双脚,图中,他也原谅了将军,将军冒生命危险走向人们,尤其是那些亲人遭其谋害的人们,这相片中,一群充满敌意的贫民窟居民将他围住,Joshua 保持沉默,他们不断发泄对他的愤怒,这影像对我而言,简直就像是莎翁剧本,一个人被多种势力包围,不顾一切要从他身上挤出些许的真实,全因他主导所产生的一切苦难,这对我产生了强烈的震撼,但问题是,宽恕与赎罪是否能取代正义?

"To keep what I had, and get what I could","all must catch that catch can","many a little made a mickle",Brag was a good dog, but Holdfast was a better(Captator's mother told her son) No.197


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
