英语人>网络例句>张 相关的搜索结果

与 张 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author is combination particular text and inquiry her oomph and the style of coprology from three path: first counter Zhang kangkang's style of coprology and personality have import effect and winding life story march tease and staple and generalize of humanness's stage; Secondly from novel and prose to assay her oomph of against; Lastly from eyeshot and thinking module of person and setting of person's combination and artistic conception to discuss her taste style.


BCurators: Geng Jianyi, Fan Li, Shen Ligong, Yang Zhenzhong, Xu Zhen Participating artists: Chen Xiaoyun, Chu Yun, Cui Shaohan, Feng Chen, Fei Pingguo, Geng Jianyi, He An, Huang Kui, Jiang Zhuyun, Jin Feng, Jin Feng, Kan Xuan, Li Wen, Liu Wei, Peng Yun, Shao Yi, Shen Ligong, Shi Qing, Shi Yong, Sun Huiyuan, Sun Xun, Wang Xiaofeng, Wang Xin, Wu Juehui, Xu Zhen, Yang Lu, Yang Qingqing, Yang Zhenzhong, Zhang Ding, Zhang Ruyu, Zhang Lehua, Zhang Liaoyuan, Zhang Moyi, Zhang Peili, Zhang Xutao, Zhang Qing, Zheng Guogu, Zhong Su, Zhu Yu, Zhu Yun Acknowledgements: ShanghArt Gallery JNBYFINERY CO.,LTD GREAT ENTERPRISE FINERY CO.,LTD Hu Qing Yu Tang Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine [size=5]It's all right, Contemporary Art Exhibition 2006, Hangzhou "It's all right", contemporary art exhibition, attempts to focus on dilemmas and the tactical questions they generate.

b策划人:耿建翌,范厉,沈立功,杨振忠,徐震参加艺术家:陈晓云,储云,崔绍翰,冯晨,飞苹果,耿建翌,何岸,黄奎,蒋竹韵,金锋,老金锋,阚宣,李文,刘韡,彭韫,邵一,沈立功,石青,施勇,孙慧源,孙逊,王小峰,王欣,吴珏辉,徐震,杨露,杨青青,杨振忠,鼎,如愚,乐华,辽源,默一,培力,旭涛,章清,郑国谷,钟苏,朱昱鸣谢:上海香格纳画廊,杭州江南布衣服饰有限公司洪业服饰有限公司杭州胡庆余堂中药博物馆 [size=6]没事当代艺术展 2006 杭州"没事"当代艺术展试图关心一些处境,以及在处境中提问的方式。

Over the past few years, through our efforts, the Center created in the country the first 21, except for China Tianchen company issued the first national design industry certification, but also for the country's largest enterprises Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau (28 million people ) overall authentication certificates for the micro-car factory in Tianjin issued the first national automobile industry certification for Harbin Central Mall has awarded the country's first commercial design activities Certification Services System for China's Guizhou Maotai liquor industry plant awarded the National section a Certificate for Tanggu saltworks awarded the first Certificate of homemade salt, Tianjin of China Railway Materials Company issued the first material system, the National Certification for Tianjin CSCSE awarded the first national certification agency certificate, for Qingdao Branch Qingdao railway station railway industry presented the first certificate for the China Telecom Group Tianjin Telecom awarded the first Certificate telecommunications industry and so on.


These two pictures are respectively photographs of Zhang Hong and her son (Zhang Jieliang; the on-liners who knew them are kindly requested to identify their true names and ages). Originally, Zhang Hong was employed as a scrubwoman in Xi'an Petroleum University.


And There was no serious complication;②In the course ofinterventional therapy, Direct portal vein angiography demonstrated vena coronaria ventriculi(100%)andgastricveins(65.26%)andvenagastricaposterior38.43%, Angiography demonstrated venacoronariaventriculi communicate esophagus varicose veins, gastric veins and vena gastrica posterior communicategastric varicose veins. vena coronaria ventriculi had only a small percentage of double vein, about30.57%. The sites of vena coronaria ventriculi arising from the portal vein, splenic vein, portosplenic junction, were found in 52.06%、27.39%、20.55% respectively.③12 extrahepaticprotosystemic shunts were found in these patients. Include gastro-nephrosshuntof 3 cases, 7 caseswere splenetic- nephros shunt and 2 cases shown recanalization of umbilical vein .④The averageportal pressure before and after the procedure were 3.87±1.82kPa and 3.64±1.14kPa in 73patients, but to the time of rebleeding, it was 3.96±0.23kPa in the 11 cases.⑤There werethree kinds of variceal outcome: disappearance (54,low degree (19).⑥Spearman logisticanalyse and ANOVAtest shown liver function class, variceal degree of the splenic necrosis area,the blood direction in portal vein before operation and remain small collateral routes were thesignificant factors concerning outcome of varices.⑦The bleeding volume and portalhypertensive gastropathy are main risk factors of rebleeding.⑧The course of livercirrhosis is the risk factor of survival and extrahepatic portosystemic shunt , fine varices are thebeneficial factors to survival.⑨During all cases'followed-up data, the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 yearcumulative survival rates and rebleeding rates were 17.81%, 28.77%, 38.36%, 43.84%, 47.95%and93.15%,91.78%,86.30%,83.56%,80.82%respectively. Conclusion The interventional disconnection treatment for liver cirrhosis and portalhypertension was designed suitability. It rapidlycontrol bleeding,butpressure of portal vein was notobvious high, perfusion was not low .it was compared with surgery therapeutic that interventionaldisconnection treatment was safe and had a significant clinical effect to hemorrhage and preventfrom rebleeding.

结果:①术后一过性发热62例(84.9%),腹痛腹胀48例(65.8%)是介入断流术常见的并发症,未发生严重并发症;②门静脉造影显示胃冠状静脉、胃短静脉和胃后静脉的曲分流的出现率是100%、65.26%和38.34%;显示食管静脉曲主要由胃冠状静脉供血,胃静脉曲主要由胃短静脉和胃后静脉供血;胃冠状静脉大多数为单支,少数为双支,其双支的出现率分别为30.57%;胃冠状静脉开口于门静脉主干的为52.06%,开口于脾静脉主干的为27.39%和开口于门脾静脉交汇处的为20.55%;③发现胃肾分流3例,脾肾分流7例、腹膜后门腔静脉分流2例,以及CTA检查发现脐静脉开放者2例;④73例患者介入断流术前和术后平均自由门静脉压力分别为3.87±1.82kpa和3.64±1.14kpa,前后比较存在显著性差异;11例再次介入手术患者的术前、术后和复发后的自由门静脉压力分别为4.02±0.24kpa、3.82±0.25kpa和3.93±0.23kpa ,前后比较发现首次术前与术后存在显著性差异,首次术前和复发出血术前门静脉压力比较无显著性差异;⑤介入术后复查曲静脉转归基本消失54例,轻度19例;⑥Spearman相关分析和Logistic多因素回归分析,肝功能分级、静脉曲程度、门脉血流方向和残存小侧支四个因素对曲静脉转归有影响;Spearman相关分析和Logistic多因素回归分析门脉高压性胃病和出血量等因素对复发出血时间有影响;⑦COX回归分析,门体分流和曲静脉转归两个因素对术后生存有影响;⑧术后随访6-70月,1、2、3、4、5年的累计复发出血率和累计生存率分别为17.81%、28.77%、38.36%、43.84%、47.95%和93.15%、91.78%、86.30%、83.56%、80.82%;结论:介入断流术治疗门脉高压食管胃底静脉曲有独特的优点,可以快速直接控制曲静脉出血而门静脉压力无显著增高,保证了肝脏灌注;与外科分流术相比适应证广、损伤轻、术后恢复快,不易遗漏曲静脉;肝功能分级、曲静脉程度、门脉血流方向和残存侧支血管对食管胃曲静脉转归有影响;门脉高压性胃病对复发出血时间有影响;门体分流和曲静脉转归对生存时间有影响。

In this framework, image frame, audio and text are represented, which are the three modalities in video shots as data points by the 3rd-order tensor. Then a subspace embedding and dimension reduction method is proposed, which explicitly considers the manifold structure of the tensor space from temporal-sequenced associated co-occurring multimodal media data in video. It is called TensorShot approach. Transductive learning uses a large amount of unlabeled data together with the labeled data to build better classifiers. A transductive support tensor machines algorithm is proposed to train effective classifier. This algorithm preserves the intrinsic structure of the submanifold where tensorshots are sampled, and is also able to map out-of-sample data points directly. Moreover, the utilization of unlabeled data improves classification ability.


From pregnancy to now I have drawn nine bottles of blood, a blood test more dazzling projects, to capacity yesterday seized a doctor of color plus a 421 yuan 5 tests alone, there are three blood is found, a the urine is a post-mortem blood sugar, which add up to five tests a single block四五百Also, I do not have to pay, according to those on the 420 color, color Doppler ultrasound showed good BB, before the pumping amniotic fluid have been excluded from the BB some congenital problem.


The stretching influence on the near trusses should be considered when using the stretching-twice method, and the construction is hard to be controlled. The Harbin exhibition sports center with a 128m support span, attached to a deep design calculation of the super-large span prestress truss string structure, stretching once in tension bed method is brought forward for the bottom cable of the single truss string structure. From calculation research on the friction force between the tension bed and the truss string structure, the friction influence is considered for the displacement method of the middle of span, with the action of the fixed cable stress. This method, with vertical displacement of the middle of span as its main control target for prestress stretching, is successfully applied in the prestress stretching construction of the project.


There is significant statistics differences between CR chest radiograms and conventional chest radiograms (X2=77.45,p.01) and the X-ray exposure dose reduced by 50 percent.


This paper is divided into five parts: the first part focuses on the currentsituation of research, process of his thoughts and his determination to put it to practice.Thought this part, we can understand the background of his constitutional philosophy;In the second part, We recognize his ideological foundation, describe the awarenessand understanding of his culture about East and West, research his background of thecultures about East and West; In the third part, the writer discuss the history ofevolution about Zhang Junmai constitutional philosophy, describe the process, that isfrom Eucken's philosophy to kant's philosophy. In this process, we understand therole and significance of Zhang Junmai constitutional philosophy in building ademocratic constitutional government; Part IV , in which the writer describes thecharacteristics of Zhang Junmai constitutional philosophy, is important; In the end, thewriter thinks that Zhang Junmai political appeal hadn't achieved at the ideal result thathe expected, but, there were some reasonable factors contained in his thoughts, thatwhat we shouldn't be abandoned but be utilized and developed when constructing themodern nation.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
