英语人>网络例句>张 相关的搜索结果

与 张 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Quality Assurance Center, the Great Wall of China opened up the field of survey and design quality system (ISO9000) certification in the country has created the first 21, except for China Tianchen company issued the first national design industry certification, but also for the country's largest Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau of enterprises (28 million) of the overall authentication certificates for the micro-car factory in Tianjin issued the first National Certification automotive industry for the central city of Harbin presented the first national design activities have a commercial certificate service system, for China's Guizhou Maotai liquor industry plant awarded the first National Certification for Tanggu saltworks awarded the first National Certificate salt industry for China Railway Materials Tianjin issued the first material system, the National Certification for Tianjin Service Center for Scholarly Exchange awarded the first Certificate of intermediary organizations, in order to Qingdao Branch Qingdao railway station railway industry presented the first certificate for the China Telecom Group Tianjin Telecom awarded the first Certificate telecommunications industry and so on.


It is张连维"Aquilaria" crew of the producer in charge of life.


Shenzhen证监局Secretary张云东said that the most important corporate governance is transparent and norms.


Construction Bank of China Assistant Governor Chen Zoff, the Ministry of Construction Housing Industrialization Promotion Center童悦Chung, deputy director of the CBRC, deputy director of the Department policies and regulations Huang visited the venue and said congratulations, Ministry of Land and Resources Land Use Division Hongzhi, deputy director of the cold, the Ministry of Construction Policy Research Center, deputy director Wang Jue Lin, China Association of Mayors Vice President and Secretary General Tao Siliang, China's Real Estate Association, vice president and secretary general顾云昌, Beijing University of Economics and Management, Associate Dean Cao peace, Beijing International Trust and Investment Corporation board chairman and general manager Wang Xiaolong,今典集团chairman张宝全, Yu Fat Dawnrays Beijing real estate company chairman Zhang Jidong, Chongqing International Trust and Investment Corporation, president of Assistant Sun Fei, China Construction Bank real estate financial services such as general manager Liu Tiemin authority has on China's real estate financial innovation, as well as real estate and urban development of the interactive relations between the in-depth discussion of the Chinese real estate finance and urban sustainable development put forward a series of forward-looking perspective.


KaoKao , the Beijing duck, is the first born child of 张蕊 and Nick Trites.

烤烤是一只来自北京的鸭子,是蕊和Nick Trites的第一个设计作品。

This is the case in the Chinese Women's Volleyball 12 champion team which also exists, for example, Zhao Ruirui by enterprises hit and successively speak Conway, Coca-Cola, berry orange brands, the Chinese women's volleyball team captain Feng Kun also speak安踏TCL brands such as air conditioning, but Liu Yanan, Li Shan,张越红, Chen Jing, Song Nina, and other team members had little opportunity as brand spokesmen.


States are printed in black, so also known as Penny Black, the张横12, shaft 20, a total of 240 face value of just 1 pound.


In张纪中network television interview, said, This is a trumped-up charges, he and his crew is not done anything I am sorry people Zhijin County thing.


It's all no worries though, because the album continues with Another Heaven, a gorgeous song featuring 张靓颖 aka the most soughtafter female singer from mainland China-in recent interviews, bothLeehom and Jay Chou declared that they want to collaborate with herextensively.


However, in the ceramics factory张文亮stand out from the Binh Dinh, to become a proficient in everything handmade ceramics for all-round figures, in 1995, the crown ceramics factory Zhuang restructuring process Pingding helpless porcelain mortality patterns.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
