英语人>网络例句>引流管 相关的搜索结果


与 引流管 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the value of percutaneous catheter drainage guided by ultrasound in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis.

目的 探讨超声引导下经皮穿刺置管引流在重症急性胰腺炎治疗中的应用价值。

Results: According to position of stones and intrahepatic bile duct stricture, 26 cases were treated by hepatectomy or combined hepatobiliary basin drainage.

结果 26例患者根据结石部位及胆管狭窄情况的不同,采用了不同的肝段切除或联合肝胆管盆式内引流术式。

Methods 120 cases of chronic seminal vesicle inflammation were treated by retrocatheterism into the opening of the ejaculatory duct through ureteroscopy, vasoseminal vesiculography under the C arm and retrocatheterism flushing drainage seminal vesicle.


Patients with chronic otitis to open eustachian tube function,for drainage,in the drug the mastoid cavity is able to faster epithelization and dry ears.


Methods 30 cases of hepatolithiasis patients were divided randomly into following two groups: 15 did lobectomy of liver, 15 did choledocholithotomy.

30例肝内胆管结石的病人随机分成两组, 15例行肝叶切除术,另 15例行胆总管切开取石、 T管引流术。

Methods: Electrohydraulic lithotripsy through the T tube treated 142 cases who had choledoochoscope with T tube drainage.


Methods Bile viscosity was studied with NX3 type capillary viscometer in 30 consecutive T tube drainaged patients.Bile was cultured aerobically and anaerobically and aerobes were counted.


Material: Mew?10mg/ is raised, shandong Qi Lu pharmaceutical factory produces , recombine 10 thousand U/ of 2(20 of leucocyte interpose element to raise, inc. of industry of drug of Beijing double aigret produces), canal of central vein buy covers a bag, its are in charge of external diameter 1.7mm, internal diameter 1.1mm, drainage bag, transparent dressing is stuck and article of thorax puncture convention. 1.2 operations and remedial method patient are taken ride cross, towel of groovy disinfection, shop, local anaesthesia, take out central vein conduit, exceed fixed position dot to be puncture dot with B.


The main products are: 1, disposable nasal oxygen tube, connecting tube 2, the use of disposable skin knife 3, the use of disposable endotracheal intubation 4, the use of disposable suction device 5, analgesic pumps 6, all kinds of disposable Medical Product plastic fittings (tube, spatula, amniotic fluid hook, hemostatic forceps, medical÷×, probe, explore mirror, umbilical cord folders, folder catheter, all kinds of Medical Products joints, drainage bag fittings, etc.) 7, a variety of injection molding plastic products production of "Quality First, Customer Satisfaction" for business purposes, drawn up a strict management system, standardized database from raw material to finished product into a set of testing protocols, production grasp the key processes, technology standards and insist requirements, and resolutely put an end to the inflow of substandard goods procedures and to develop the workshop director is responsible for the quality of accountability, to achieve Total Quality Management, so that product quality has been ensured; inspectors at the same time continually improve operational standards and quality, meticulous preparation the inspection work to ensure that qualified factory Products; and perfect after-sale service and feedback management system, continuously enhance customer satisfaction, quality service to customers.

主要产品有:1、一次性使用鼻氧管、连接管 2、一次性使用备皮刀3、一次性使用气管插管 4、一次性使用吸痰器5、镇痛泵 6、各种一次性医用产品塑料配件(试管、压舌板、羊水钩、止血钳、医用镊子、探针、探镜、脐带夹、导管夹、各种医用产品接头、引流袋配件等)7、各种注塑塑胶产品生产等本公司以&质量第一,顾客满意&为企业宗旨,制定了严格的管理制度,规范了从原材料进库到成品出厂的一整套检验规程,生产中抓好关键工序,坚持工艺标准和要求,坚决杜绝不合格品流入下道工序,并制定车间主任负责的质量责任制,做到全员质量管理,使产品质量得到了保证;同时不断提高检验人员的业务水平和素质,一丝不苟作好各项检验工作,确保产品合格出厂;并完善售后服务和信息反馈管理制度,不断增强顾客的满意度,以优质产品服务广大用户。

The changes in outflow facility and PSL are consistent with previous findings that correlate with increasing outflow facility during "washout". Therefore Y27 and washout may act through similar mechanisms that increase outflow facility by redistributing aqueous outflow through a larger area of the IW and JCT.

p=0.001 结论;Y27可以明显增加猴眼房水流畅率和沿Schlemm氏管内壁的有效滤过长度百分比和分离长度百分比。Y27的作用可能是通过重新分布房水引流到一个更广泛的Schlemm氏管内壁和JCT区域而发挥增加房水流畅率的作用。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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