- 与 引入的植物 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Anthropos {anth'-ro-pos} from 435 and ops (the countenance, from 3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being; TDNT - 1:364,59; n m AV - man 552, not tr 4, misc 3; 559 1 a human being, whether male or female 1a generically, to include all human individuals 1b to distinguish man from beings of a different order 1b1 of animals and plants 1b2 of from God and Christ 1b3 of the angels 1c with the added notion of weakness, by which man is led into a mistake or prompted to sin 1d with the adjunct notion of contempt or disdainful pity 1e with reference to two fold nature of man, body and soul 1f with reference to the two fold nature of man, the corrupt and the truly Christian man, conformed to the nature of God 1g with reference to sex, a male 2 indefinitely, someone, a man, one 3 in the plural, people 4 joined with other words, merchantman
相关经文回前一页 444 anthropos {anth'-ro-pos}源自435 and ops (the countenance, from 3700); man-faced,亦即 a human being; TDNT - 1:364,59;阳性命词钦定本- man 552, not tr 4, misc 3; 559 1 一个人类,无论男女 1a 类别上﹐包括所有人类个体 1b 将人类与不相同等级的生命本质区分出来 1b1 人不同於动物和植物 1b2 人不同於上帝和基督 1b3 人不同於天使 1c 附带著一种软弱的意思,故此人会被引入犯错或被驱使犯罪 1d 带有一种轻视性或藐视性的怜悯的意思 1e 与人两方面的本质有关,身体和魂 1f 与人两方面的本质有关,败坏的和真正的﹐与上帝的本质一致的基督徒 1g 与性别有关,男人 2 不限定的,某人,一个人,任何一人 3 复数型﹐民族 4 与其他字组合,商人
The results indicated that there are has 21 kinds of alien invasive plant species which belonging to 21 generas and 13 families in Xiushan region, the alien plants has an important influence on the area where change farmland into woodland and the farm land that the condition of being unseeded, and the total coverage of the alien plant mostly reached 100%.
11入侵种是指在引入地建立了种群,改变或威胁本地生物多样性,对生态系统的结构造成了明显的损害和影响的外来种。u 1入侵植物就是指具有从原来的分布区域扩展到一个新的地区,在新的区域里其后代可以繁。。。。。。
Each advance in microscopic technique has provided scientists with new perspectives on the function of living organisms and the nature of matter itself. The invention of the visible light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown realm of single celled plants and animals. In the twentieth century, electron microscopes have provided direct views of viruses and minuscule surface structures.
As the agent of the U.S. Biath seed companies,we have been successfully introduced dozens ornamental trees from North America which are suitable for the growth in China, including one Improved Acer rubrum, Nyssa sylvatica ,many valuable tree species in Europe and the United States. We have a strong technical team and the support from Institute of Botany of Academy of Sciences in china, Hebei Agricultural University, and many other units to ensure the product variety and quality, and provide to the customer good technical support and service.
The result shows that the recycling effluent upgrades significantly the removal for BOD_5,COD,SS,and NH~+_4-N,and BOD_5 removal rate meets the Monod equation;most part of NH~+_4-N is nitrified and the removal rate of NH~+_4-N is linear with the surface loading rate.Along with the nitrification,alk...
Not just "flower" but "California poppy," and later, after exposure has stimulated an interest in plants, we can introduce the botanical names and further classification—such as kinds of leaf margins or flower corollas. Exposure to plants and animals initiates many important discussions which a wide vocabulary can enrich and make more satisfying.
Null mutant Δmnh6 produced appeared offwhite hyphae, showed reduction in growth, conidiation and appressorium formation, and also showed reduction in appressorium turgor pressure. And the hyphae were more readily wettable by a solution containing SDS and EDTA and more easily digested by fungal cell-wall-digesting enzymes. The appressoria produced by Δmnh6 mutants showed diminished host penetration and the infectious hyphae of Δmnh6 mutants showed reduced in planta growth. Targeted deletion of mnh6 resulted in the greatly reduced virulence capacity to barley and rice CO39 in infection assays.
- 推荐网络例句
Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).