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与 引入的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various plants having cottony down, as some species of the genus Froelichia.


The addition of small amounts of H2O and NaOH to the reaction system improved the catalytic activity but decreased the selectivity of crotyl alchol.


The heterogeneous W-HMS catalyst was in-situ prepared by immobilization of tungstic acid on hexagonal mesoporous silica. It was used to synthesize glutaraldehyde from cyclopentene.

采用原位合成法将W(上标 6+)引入六方介孔全硅分子筛骨架中,制备了应用于环戊烯催化氧化合成戊二醛反应的W-HMS催化剂。

The photodegradation of pharmacy-waste water has been studied. The photocatalyst is TiO2 immobilized on glass reactor. Fenton reagent has been used. The decolour rate and decrease of COD.


Based on the field measurement of concentration at 29 points in Xiaonanhu of the West Lake and the analysis of its order of the Densimetric Froude Number, this paper shows that the behavoir of flow in the lake belongs to the well-mixed type, which coincides with the result of hydraulical investigation of other similar lakes.

l静合~口'J'二J 杭州西湖是闻名中外的旅游胜地,一年四季游客络绎不绝。但湖水水质有时较差,透明度较低,影响游览观赏价值。为此,特有计划地引入钱塘江清水更换湖水。清水通过引水渠经小南湖进人西湖,在西湖北岸设有排水闸排泄湖水。

The bleach boosting comprounds are ideally suited for inclusion into bleaching compositions including those with detersive surfactants and enzymes.


CAI is of great help to reform some of the traditional didactical abuses, to enrich the format and content of teaching, ease the burden of the teachers to make the students learn more conveniently, and to improve the teaching quality.


Finally, experiment results indicate that K_2SO_4 is the most widely and best stimulation effect in familiar dissoluble sulfate.


Chapter III, the introduction of institutional factors of endogenous growth model.


The New Republic had also pioneered a Diarist feature on the last page, which was designed to be a more personal, essayistic, first-person form of journalism.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。