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与 引入的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper, introduces Scan Statistics, calculates the probability of continuous warmer winters to analyze its abnormity degree.


The traditional frequency only shows the status in the past so we have advanced the absolute frequency.


Both so and so that are acceptably used to introduce clauses that state a result or consequence

So和 so that都可以被接受用来引入陈述一个结果或后果的从句

This time, the new accounting standards makes significant adjustment in the measuring attribute, and comprehensive introducing the measurement of fair value as also as current value.


A new class of uniformly Φ-strictly accretive operator is introduced, construct Ishikawa iteration in Banach spaces.

在 Banach空间中引入一类一致Φ-强增生算子的概念,修改 Ishikawa迭代序列。

In the part of empirical analysis of Chinese IPO first-day return, the difference between existing study and this study is that we use principal components analysis to extract from five factors to construct investors'sentiment index, add it to controled varibles, on which we examine the influence of offering mechanism on IPO first-day return. Moreover, we gather statistics and compare the IPO holding return for lockup period between fixed-price-class offering method and bookbuilding-class offering method, as well as price range between Chinese A-share market and Hongkong stock market, which prvide comprehensive evidence to appraise Chinese IPO bookbuilding mechanism. 2. Compare to the existing literatures which consider discount or allocation, incentive allocation and discount are considered at the same time in optimal mechanism design in this dissertation, and the offering bottom price is introduced to the price range. We investigate the relationship between price range and allocation quantity, and obtain the optimal price range and allocation strategy so that the advantages of independent allocation are reflected. On the other hand, the disadvantages of independent allocation are reflected in the manipulation in case of no restriction on IPO allocation. To distinguish from the existing literatures, bookbuilding mechanism is introduced to the model. We study the allocation strategy adopted by the underwriter in the pooling equilibrium of manipulation. In addition, we analyze the incentive compatibility conditions to which the existence of pooling equilibrium should satisfy and examine some factors'impact on the existence of manipulation.3. In bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, Chinese realistic IPO background is considered and the condition of bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering is added. Divide bookbuilding and fixed-price hybrid offering into sequential hybrid and simultaneous hybrid, and point out that the key points of subscription strategy in the two kinds of hybrid are different. Through modeling and simulation we obtain the impact of institutional investors'subscription strategy on bookbuilding without independent IPO allocation, which fill the gap in related research. Moreover, in the part of IPO bookbuilding with over-allotment option, the pricing strategy is divided into hot-IPO strategy and weak-IPO strategy. Take into account the procedure of Chinese IPO with over-allotment option, it presents how the underwriter determines the pricing strategy and what effect it brings to offering price and issue size through modeling and simulation. Therefore, it is instructive as a complement to existing literatures.


The following is the research frame of this dissertation:Chapter one: Introduce background, research significance, research object, research contents and methods of this dissertation; review the history of clusters theoretical research in detail; dissertate main research dynamic status of domestic and international;Chapter two: Through explain theoretical foundation of cluster research, it defines and demarcates clusters, introduces the concept of private enterprises" cluster on this basis, and summarizes current situation of Quanzhou private enterprises" cluster;Chapter three: Propose the concept of cluster competitiveness, collect and analysis those factors which influence cluster competitiveness, and set up an appraisal system of private enterprises" cluster competitiveness;Chapter four: Define developing stages of private enterprises" cluster with clusters" dominance competitiveness, analysis characteristic and law of private enterprises" cluster in different life cycle, give out strategic countermeasures separately which promote cluster competitiveness in different stage;Chapter five: On the basis chapter three and chapter four, propose what we can use cluster strategic planning to promote Quanzhou cluster competitiveness; and recommend thought of cluster strategic planning;Chapter six: Introduce the case of Quanzhou sports shoes cluster, use competitiveness appraise system and life cycle theory for empirical analysis, and put forward detailed countermeasure that can promote cluster competitiveness;Conclusion: Summarize the research of full dissertation, and point out some weaknesses of this dissertation.


Chapter one of this text has recommended the foreign insurance to apply financial economy to the products pricing method of insurance company, but these methods have not explained how to determine the fair premium of the multiple-line insurance company .In order to solve many business line insurance company pricing problem, chapter two introduce an very important model in insurance company capital allocation field - MR capital allocation model, through deriving capital allocation formula and simulation analysis indicate MR model allocate multiple- line insurance company capital scientifically. In order to apply MR model to non-life insurance pricing, chapter three will extend MR model to introduce loss 3 and layer P . Since the premise of MR model is a certain market price of loss, the chapter four will use the risk-neutral probability transformation technique to get the market value of loss. Under lognormal distribution, we will use location parameter shift and proportional PH transformation to illuminate the technique. The final chapter combines the prior sections result to deduce out the fair premium formula, and apply it to price the catastrophe insurance.


First, based on the measurements of absorption cross-section, the absorption characters of the main polluted gases in flue gas were deeply studied, and found that SO_2、 NO、 NO_2、 NH_3 had a character of approximate periods absorption at some wave band, which is a good chance of a new measurement introduced. Secondly, the factors about absorption cross-section of the gases measured, which affect on the measurement precision of DOAS, is studied deeply. The influence of pressure and temperature on absorption cross-section was given special research, and the compensated measures were given to the gases based on the character of the gases. Thirdly, in practical measurement, it must have been satisfied that the monochromator was consisted with the reference spectrum, which was based on absorption cross-section. In order to satisfy the consistency, the technique of reversion in the image was introduced, the reversions of spectrums were realized with wiener filter and noise elimination based on wavelet transform.


In order to solve dynamic, complicated and uncertain problems, multi-agents based distributed intelligence decision support systems, description and decomposition of complicated decision tasks, and cooperation and reasoning among multi-agents are elaborated in this paper. The details are given as follows. 1. Agent and ABDIDSS modelsIn allusion to the current problems of research on agents theory models, payoff and probability factors are introduced on the basis of mental state models of classical BDI of agent and joint BDI of multi-agents in this paper, mental state models of individual agents and joint metal state models of group agents based on payoff and probability factors are built up. Introducing payoff and probability factors satisfies requirements of uncertainty and self-benefit of agents to the environments.

本文针对动态的、复杂的以及不确定问题,以基于多Agents的分布式智能决策支持系统及复杂决策任务的描述与分解、多Agents之间的协作与推理机制为研究内容,具体的研究内容如下: 1、Agent和ASDIDSS模型针对当前多Agents理论模型研究存在的问题,文章在经典Agent的BDI以及联合BDI等心智状态模型基础上引入效用与概率因子,建立基于效用与概率因子的个体Agent的心智状态模型以及群组Agent联合心智状态模型,引入效用与概率因子满足Agent对环境的不确定性以及自利性的要求。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
