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与 引入的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then,a new result of quantum mechanics is given:considering an arbitrary manipulation of one EPR particle,which can be modeled in fullgenerality as a unitary interaction of that particle with an outside system or ancilla,ini-tially in a pure state,we shall show that such interactions can be used to prepare all andonly those states of the joint system(two particles in arbitrary entanglement and theancilla)that yield unperturbed marginal statistics for all measurements on the anotherparticle,with which the ancilla did not interact.


An optimum threshold level is found that minimizes distortion of the power spectrum for speckle data of the circular and ring apertures.


The other is called Householder transformation method, in which the matrix of inconsistent equation group is orthogonalized and triangulated using Householder transformation, and then the Zernike coefficients can be worked out by using a backsubstitution technique. It is proposed for the first time. Being a method that can avoid the computational error effectively and can be easily performed, it has proven to be a feasible and efficacious algorithm.


For the diffractive optical element realizing beam shaping in the fractional Fourier transform domain,the transform matrix calculated by the discrete sampling points was compared with that calculated by the Fresnel integral,and the discretization error of the intensity distribution on the output plane was qualitatively obtained.


To show the security of this scheme, we present an explicit relation between the information that an eavesdropper can elicit and the corresponding error rate he/she would introduce.


Tis not a change from the present state, which perhaps corruption or decay has introduced, that makes an inroad upon the government, but the tendency of it to injure or oppress the people, and to set up one part or party, with a distinction from, and an unequal subjection of the rest.


However, please be noted that high sensitivity will allow the interfusion with exterior noise irrelevant to the quantity to be measured, which will be also amplified by the system. As a result, the accuracy of measurement is affected. So, the senor itself should have high signal to noise ratio, to reduce the exterior interfering signals as much as possible.


In this paper, the influence of error propagation on soft demodulation in coded MIMO system is analyzed in detail. Besides, based on the thought of soft symbol interference cancellation, Iterative Channel Soft Information for coded MIMO system is further deduced and proved to have the same form as the inverse of row norm of Moore-Penrose inverse of channel matrix.

摘要该文针对编码MIMO系统,分析了MIMO检测过程中串行干扰删除引入的误差传播对软解调的影响,同时,借鉴软符号干扰消除的思想,推导出该系统中迭代信道软信息(Iterative Channel Soft Information, ICSI)的计算方法,并证明了该信道软信息等价于信道矩阵广义逆的行范数的倒数。

This paper presents an efficient approach of designing a special dome and its aberration corrector, using the method of Wassermann-Wolf differential equations to generate the optimum contour of the corrector through a macro in CODE V. This corrector reduces spherical aberration and coma which are introduced by the dome and improves the imaging quality of the system.

本文提出了一种有效的特殊整流罩及其像差校正器的设计方法,运用Wassermann-Wolf微分方程组的原理,通过在CODE V中编译宏程序曲面拟合的方法得到校正器最佳面形,从而可以校正整流罩引入的球差、彗差,使系统成像质量得到较大的改善。

The bias drift caused by optical Kerr effect is indistinguishable from the rotational-induced Sagnac frequency shift.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
