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与 开始进行 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As seen tod ay we still identify quite some of the traces of the traditional model in what are referred as school-based training, mentorship, practice-orientation, unification of pre-service education and in-service education, to mention but a few; while on the other hand, the British practices in school-based teacher training and the monitorial system are seen as representatives of the transcendent characteristics from conventions, and initiated the new perspectives in teacher education for the world to follow.


Another big change is the ready availability of mortgageable or pawnable assets with which to raise money to buy shares. Since the late 1990s, the privatization of urban housing has given many people a stake in rapidly appreciating property.


But even whilst this killing was taking place, and to our utter astonishment, a hyena from the Munge River Clan calmly walked up to the temporarily deserted kill and began to feed.

但就在这场杀戮进行的同时,令我们惊奇的是,一只Munge River家族的鬣狗悄悄的接近了那只被暂时遗弃的猎物开始吃了起来。

A false statement from a noncredible source that is at first not believed can gain credibility during the months it takes to reprocess memories from short-term hippocampal storage to longer-term cortical storage.


objective to study the risk factors on esbl producing strains of k.pneumoniae and e.coli.methods aprospective survey on esbl producing strainsof k.pneumoniae and e.coli for a36-month period.results the resistance rates ofe.coli were:98.08%for ctx,73.08%for amc.the resistance rates of k.pneuˉmonialwere;95.74%for ctx,97.87%for amc.the use rate of third generation cephalosporins was much higher than those of esbls nonproducing strains(p.05).it induce esbls that3rd generation cephalosporins were used extensive.after strenghtening the antibiotic controls,esbls detection rate has gone down.conclusion the factors of infection of esbl-producing strains were the severity diseases,cellular immunological condition,improper medical manipulations.to prevent esbl-producing strains,reasonable antibiotics usage may be the effective measure.

目的 分析临床大肠埃希菌及肺炎克雷伯菌产esbls的危险因素,并加以控制。方法前瞻性监测产esbls菌的情况,并对感染者进行临床调查。结果产esbls的大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌的耐药率头孢噻肟钠为98.08%和95.74%,阿莫西林+棒酸为73.08%和97.87%,产esbls菌感染者头孢第三代的使用率(70.21%)显著高于非产esbls菌感染者(39.47%)(p.05);第三代头孢的大量使用诱导esbls的产生。通过加强抗感染药物的使用管理esbls检出率开始下降。结论严重的基础病、高龄、机体免疫力低下,长期住院者是esbls菌感染的易感宿主,皮质激素、化疗及介入性疗法是esbls感染的高危因素。滥用抗感染药是产生esbls的重要因素,合理使用抗感染药是防止esbls产生的主要措施。

Work on this weapon has been under way since the 1990s but it has been crippled by a lack of funding and a SAAF requirement that has not always been clear. The A-Darter will still notionally equip SAAF Gripens, but a long-awaited series of initial flight tests have yet to occur and the future of the programme is in doubt.


Daily supplementation with vitamins C and E starting between 9 and 16 weeks' gestation did not reduce the rate of pregnancy-associated hypertension, according to a large multicenter trial in low-risk, nulliparous women published in the April 8 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

据4月8日发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)上的一项对低风险的初产女性进行的大规模多中心临床试验结果,从妊娠9~16周开始每日补充维生素 C 和维生素 E 并未降低受试者妊娠相关高血压的发病率。

Methods According to the oestradiol level on progesterone initiation day, 279 hormone replacement-frozen embryo transfer cycles were grouped into three groups (group 1, percentile 0-25th; group 2, percentile 26th-75th; group 3, percentile 76th-100th).


Methods According to the oestradiol level on progesterone initiation day, 279 hormone replacement-frozen embryo transfer cycles were grouped into three groups group 1, percentile 0-25(superscript th; group 2, percentile 26-75; group 3, percentile 76-100.


They do deserve credit for the way they handled the process, though – keeping an open mind about both players throughout, doing an extensive analysis of each and not jumping to conclusions based off their overenthusiastic local media who anointed Rose as the pick as soon as the ping-pong balls dropped.


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At that time, I was a legal secretary and oversaw the running of a law office.


According to the research progress on citrinin, the strategies of citrinin control were described from the three aspects of fermentation technology, mutation breeding, and genetic engineering.


Tt suggests the high jumpers should improve the stability of approach steps in the foundation of improving the approach speed and adjust the final stride. Comparing with the foreign ones, the Chinese high jumpers have certain margins in the horizontal velocity of barycenter. Their power of supporting and stretching the leg are of a sort, so they should add to their quick power training of take-off leg.
