英语人>网络例句>开始进行 相关的搜索结果


与 开始进行 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They're going to start a final resettlement now.


Our group started the experimental test of the photon rest mass in 2000, and presented a scheme of the modulation method with the precise torsion balance.


I'm glad to notice that the signs of the restoration of our traditional values are already emerging.


. Now, suppliers can monitor sales of their products and decide when to initiate the resupply procedure.


In both cases, the rest of the group had already begun working and the returnee had to be brought up to speed quickly.


The riverboat casino Tom Grey started out fighting had close down.


iron roughneck ; automatic drilling ; structure design ; development trend


By gathering the elite of Greater China, professionals from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China joined us in our garage, and constructed our self-sustained energy and electric car solution.


China airports are set to handle this rise in capacity with a series of expansion projects already underway.


However, as modern medicine's interest in the powerful healing aspects of Shivambu Shastra grows, more research is being undertaken and a lot is being revealed to substantiate scientifically the therapy's very rich history in healing.

然而,作为现代医学在 Shivambu Shastra 强大康复方面的兴趣在增加,许多研究开始进行并且这疗法在康复的非常丰富历史中有一些显示证明科学性。

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At that time, I was a legal secretary and oversaw the running of a law office.


According to the research progress on citrinin, the strategies of citrinin control were described from the three aspects of fermentation technology, mutation breeding, and genetic engineering.


Tt suggests the high jumpers should improve the stability of approach steps in the foundation of improving the approach speed and adjust the final stride. Comparing with the foreign ones, the Chinese high jumpers have certain margins in the horizontal velocity of barycenter. Their power of supporting and stretching the leg are of a sort, so they should add to their quick power training of take-off leg.
