英语人>网络例句>开始从事 相关的搜索结果


与 开始从事 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the beginning of 80's Andrzej Kostynowicz vel Andre Kostynowitz runs away from Poland, as he was involved in the conflict with polish authorities. He gets a French nationality and starts to work for state authorities as a secret executioner. After a wealthy Polish businessman irrationally deceives a group of French executives during a high-stakes business transaction, the executives waste no time in recruiting Kostynowitz to kill Muran. But when the Polish Secret Police get wind of their plan, they go against orders to protect the endangered man, whose life, as well as their own, could be taken at any moment. At the same time Kostynowitz finds out he is terminally ill and decides to come back to Poland in order to find his old love Anna. He realizes that if he accepts contract and executes Muran in Poland it will be his last mission

在上世纪八十年代出,Kostynowicz逃离出波兰,他被卷入到一场政治风云中,他得到了法国国籍并且开始为法国政府工作,他从事的秘密杀手的工作,一位波兰商人Muran 骗取了这些法国行政官员,之后这些法国行政官员派遣Kostynowitz去暗杀Muran,,但是波兰秘密警察听到风声之后,立即去保护Muran,日夜守护Muran,在此同时,Kostynowitz 发现自己已患重病,他决定回波兰去找他的爱人,这时他意识到如果自己接受暗杀Muran,这将是他的最后的使命

From the beginning of the last century 80's, there are many research institutes engaged in Pinctada maxima of raising seedlings, breeding and breeding research, but they all failed for various reasons, Pinctada maxima has not been the industrialization of farming.


Hangzhou Tianma Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. is the earliest in the non-woven fabrics for professional research and Production business, products related to the scope of the various professional rapier spinning Poncirus the field of production, from the beginning of the GA731 radius of the rapier-based development to the present HGA732 series looms, not only to meet High-end textile fabric weaving, and particularly good at some special professional-woven fabric, such as: a common standard loom, the production of silk yarn and high-precision electronic fabric of electronic coiling off high-end electronic Dobby looms, production All kinds of terry cloth towel loom, wide loom (Reed said the biggest increase was 4.6 meters), all kinds of industries with a cloth loom, Shaluo fabric looms, the Zhuang Shibu electronic Jacquard loom, the production of different warp The double-shaft looms, but also provide root Zelkowa acuminata special requirements of large package of cloth, Vol device as a whole and not for the cheese-and absorbed by the device.


As of January 1, 2004, the Act will cover the collection, use or disclosure of personal information in the course of any commercial activity within a province, including provincially regulated organizations.


WITH : agree, begin, communicate, compare, compete, comply, confuse, contrast, cope, correspond, disgust, finish, help, interfare, mix occupy, part, please, quarred, reason, satisfy, threaten.

与 with 连用的动词:同意;以……开始;与……联络;与……比较;同……竞争;同意;误作;形成对照;对付;与……一致;使……讨厌;完成;帮助;干扰;混合;从事于;放弃;对……满意;争论;规劝;感到满足;威胁。

He has pursued a lot of trades after graduation, began 2003, he becomes business delegate in company of a network, mastered knowledge of a lot of websites, also produced the opinion of a lot of novelty, designing the website that sidewards sees is among them one of.


Directly following school, Miss Hill began working theatrically in a variety of venues all around the United States.


From the beginning of 1980's, Wang an yi has engaged in the fictions for more than twenty years. The quantity and the quality of her works are unparallel in the modern literature domain.


I am engaged in it for three yeara, that is, till I was twenty years old.


But with that line of work, called hostessing, among the most lucrative jobs available to women and with the country neck-deep in a recession, hostess positions are increasingly coveted, and hostesses themselves are gaining respectability and even acclaim.


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In fact it's called the Sate .


Recent work at HKUST had successfully developed a n ew lightweight, ultra-low density filter material based on photoactive


I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing mychild.
