英语人>网络例句>开地 相关的搜索结果


与 开地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

LXXV. So are you to my thoughts as food to life, Or as sweet-season'd showers are to the ground; And for the peace of you I hold such strife As 'twixt a miser and his wealth is found; Now proud as an enjoyer and anon Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure, Now counting best to be with you alone, Then better'd that the world may see my pleasure; Sometime all full with feasting on your sight And by and by clean starved for a look; Possessing or pursuing no delight, Save what is had or must from you be took.

七五 我的心需要你,像生命需要食粮,或者像大地需要及时的甘霖;为你的安宁我内心那么凄惶就像贪夫和他的财富作斗争:他,有时自夸财主,然后又顾虑这惯窃的时代会偷他的财宝;我,有时觉得最好独自伴着你,忽然又觉得该把你当众夸耀:有时饱餐秀色后腻到化不开,渐渐地又饿得慌要瞟你一眼;既不占有也不追求别的欢快,除掉那你已施或要施的恩典。

Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure, Now counting best to be with you alone, Then bettered that the world may see my pleasure, Sometime all full with feasting on your sight, And by and by clean starved for a look, Possessing or pursuing no delight Save what is had, or must from you be took.

Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day, Or gluttoning on all, or all away 我的心需要你,像生命需要食粮,或者像大地需要及时的甘霖;为你的安宁我内心那么凄惶就像贪夫和他的财富作斗争:他,有时自夸财主,然后又顾虑这惯窃的时代会偷他的财宝;我,有时觉得最好独自伴着你,忽然又觉得该把你当众夸耀:有时饱餐秀色后腻到化不开,渐渐地又饿得慌要瞟你一眼;既不占有也不追求别的欢快,除掉那你已施或要施的恩典。

He opened his eyes and yelled, thinking that the enemy had sent a fatheaded, smiling devil out of Hell for him early.


Blue sky hall Bird posture is very colorful, central end feather if,lengthen aureate silk thread, reproductive season male bird or back of the arch that admire a head, the two costal region since vertical stroke are fleeciness and the golden yellow that cent wraps around is acted the role of feather; Or the foot involves branch, hang by the feet all over, tremble bright and beautiful be like the feather like damask, what still keep singing love in the mouth is honey-tongued with a solemn pledge of love, look with the hen girls on attract, look.


Sit down, Pazhuo Guan Yu:(adds,"Tian Mi Mi" of the tunes, slow deep singing) Xixi miserable you laugh ............ Xixi suffer like flowers open in the autumn wind, I gallinae ............


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target.


It is helpful to the quantitative analysis of grinding parameters and more reasonable selection of grooving parameters of grinding wheel in practice.


He was on top of her back, pushing and grunting, and she lay on her stomach, her face turned toward mine.


Screwing up his courage, Gyges carefully descend in to the earth as he do so the terrifying sheep runs further away to other newly opened underground passage.


Don't turn on the lights. Sneak up on him before he knows what's happing.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
