英语人>网络例句>建议 相关的搜索结果


与 建议 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Interaction designers have always designed in pairs, have always rapidly iterated in a discardable medium, have constantly refactored their work, always begin with a fuzzy, out of focus, yet complete image of the final product, always are open to outside advice, suggestion, and direction, and have always judged that advice on its merit, not on the authority of its source.


B. the seller looks for the professional shipping company , handles the transportation of goods on behalf of the buyer and tranport the goods to the designated ports (the buyer is responsible for sea freight, insurance premium, file charges, etc),inspection should be carried out within the date of the lading,the acceptance criteria.is that: the tolerance of ±1.5cm of (waist ,thigh,hips,knee,foot ,outseam)and ±0.5cm of front rise and back rise in accordance with the the size of the table in Annex I, II, III.

b。乙方代甲方寻找专业海运公司办理货物运输,将货物运到指定口岸(海运费、保险费、文件费等甲方负责)。提货当日内进行检验,以附件尺寸表一、二、三的大围(腰、脾、坐、膝、脚、外长)±1.5公分和前、后浪±0.5公分接受之误差作验收标准,必须达到全部合格方视为合格;如甲方检验不合格则于次日起2 个工作日之内以书面形式提出异议并附加对不合格货品的处理建议,乙方收到甲方书面异议后必须在两日内回复,否则视乙方默认甲方的处理建议,双方按该建议执行。

It is obvious (evident/clear/no surprising/high time/hoped/suggested), therefore, that all-out (constant/great/cooperative/further/genuine/substantial/considerable/persis tent) efforts should be made (exerted/used/bent/put forth) to ...


On the aspect of contract law: Firstly, this article particularizes the regulations which request proprietor expose relevant information in the long distance selling and make some suggestion that consumer should acquire more information in E-commerce. Secondly, it compares the right of unthreading commodity in Taiwan region and that in EU and suggests that consumer who makes shopping in INTERNET should have the right of unconditional unthreading commodity in certain period. Thirdly, it analyses the specialty of digital commodity transaction, pointing the peculiar regulation of computer information transactions in America and its meaning to China. Fourthly, it enumerates the action of regulating format contract in INTERNET and suggests contract item should be strictly regulated.


Results of eight investigations make use of the soil experience and analysis form the disaster area of 921 earthquakes, The result of soil investigation and analysis form the disaster area of 921 earthquakes, Understanding such as: 1. The recommand degree depth of drive stake is 40% of stake length for stake and wattling method on dry soil condition. And 58% of stake lengths on unsaturated condition. And 67% of stake length on soil saturated condition.


It constructs a tentative frame of theories and policies of industrial clusters. It analyzes industrial clusters mechanism and policies. The research outspreads nine parts. The first part states the background, thepurpose and the present situation of the industrial clusters and development zone.Chapter2 summarizes the theory of development zone, which includes itsconnotation, forms and the process of development zone, and then analyzes thetheory and practices of development zone abroad, finding the gap between Chinaand other developed countries and regions. In chapter 3, based on study of presentresearch, this paper discusses competitive advantages and inherent mechanism, putsforward to the necessity of research of industry cluster in hi-tech zones and pointsout that the industry cluster is the key that Hi-tech zones carry out the seconddevelopment In Chapter4, this paper discusses the possibility and their mutualmotivation between industry cluster and development zone from the view ofIndustrial Ecologization, game theory and industrial structure theory; based onanalysis of Chapter3 and Chapter4,the next two chapters underlines thedevelopment mood and mechanism of industrial cluster in developmentzone,besides,these chapters points out the role of government in this mood. InChapter7, this paper discusses the system of evaluation of the performance ofdevelopment zones. At last, based on the analysis above and the present situation ofOptical Valley in Wuhan, Hubei province, the author estimates the performance ofoptical industrial clusters in Optical Valley, and puts forward to the advices about thegovernment, the mood and the policies of optical industrial clusters in OpticalValley.


While the switching overvoltage is 1.8 pu,the minimum air clearance of upper space and lower space on ±660 kV DC double-circuit transmission line tower is 4.8 m and 4.9 m respectively at the attitude below 1 000 m, when at the attitude of 2 000 m, the minimum air clearance of upper and lower spaces is 5.4 m and 5.5 m respectively.


There are eight words to describe Qingdao: red tree water, blue sky, and this is the characteristics of Qingdao to see red, I suggest you go to small mountain; the tree, I suggest you go to BA DA Guan, of course, not only the tree-BA DA Guan, More importantly, the countries of the construction, there is that quiet charisma; water, blue sky, I suggest you take a turn yacht Qingdao coastline, as well as the wooden path along the cliff walk Qingdao.


What is the recommended action Certifiers in the Peoples Republic of China I suggest to seek a listing as compliance certifiers with the Commission of the European Union. And I suggest, to ask for registration via the diplomatic channels of the government of the Peoples Republic of China.


There's no need to buy chemical fertilizers to get the soil ready. Carver said to use what nature provides: leaves, soil from the woods and "muck from the rich swamps." He said to plant potatoes, peas, spinach, as well as other vegetables and herbs in February, and to plant cauliflower, collards, and watermelon in March. By April, most of the garden should be growing and only a few things like cabbage, eggplant and cotton seed need to be planted. Carver also had lots of suggestions for making money. Can you guess what they were?


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
