英语人>网络例句>建议 相关的搜索结果


与 建议 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At first, I developed the principle and restrictive factor to optimize the investment structure of regional industry; Secondly, I applied the Grey Theory to research the relationship between structure of investment and structure of industry, the relationship between structure of industry and economy of region.; Thirdly, Three methods, including AHP, Principal Component Analysis and Relative Potential were exerted to research the order of investment afterward, I developed qualitative analysis to the third industry, and put forward suggest to its progress direction; Fourthly, Using economics and operational researchs thoughtway for reference, I upbuilt the dynamic model of investment portion model.


Then markets went off a cliff in a cascade of crises, upending many of my earlier recommendations, even defensive ones.


In his annual budget speech, he outlines the Government's budgetary proposals and moves the Appropriation Bill, which gives legal effect to the annual expenditure proposals contained in the Budget.


Ballastless track features little maintenance,high reliability,long service life,low cost compared to its service life, low structure height, large transverse track resistance, ballast splashing—proof,and flexible superelevation and gradient.

德国, 无碴轨道,铁路,技术,建议德国,无碴轨道,铁路,技术,建议摘要:由于无碴轨道具有维修量小,稳定性好,使用寿命长,全寿命周期费用低,结构高度低,横向轨道阻力大,可避免飞碴,超高、坡度设置灵活等优点,在德国高速铁路建设中受到重视,得到了广泛应用,并形成了Rheda、Zt~BLIN、BERLIN、B6GL等系列产品。

In the United States Mothers Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace.

在美国, 1872年在茱丽亚·沃德·豪(她将这些建议写信给共和国战事赞美诗)建议下设立了母亲节。这一节日是为在战争中失去了亲人的母亲们而设的,纪念她们为和平所付出的牺牲。

In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated topeace.

在美国, 1872年在茱丽亚·沃德·豪(她将这些建议写信给共和国战事赞美诗)建议下设立了母亲节。这一节日是为在战争中失去了亲人的母亲们而设的,纪念她们为和平所付出的牺牲。

It is suggested that the internal forces of anchor frame beam to be calculated with Winkler foundation beam and semi-infinite elastic theory. At the same time the pertinent proposal for designing frame beam is offered based on an actual project.


When I find myself uttering a nugget of my newfound mom wisdom, I think of all the advice I received when I was pregnant or as a bleary-eyed new mom and that I continue to get, regularly, usually from perfect strangers.


As to the box foundations under frame structures, a simplified calculation method with consideration of the influence of the superstructure rigidit...


Generally speaking, as long as you are a good measure of the total width of the window and the job can calculate the required amount of cloth, but if the measure on its own, then have to pay attention to some details, such as the window of a high degree of measurement from the start Chuang Lianhe To outweigh the lower edge of the window will not be emptied of its width is also probably have to pay more on the side of 5-10 cm, but if they are Banyao have to pay attention to whether there is a window sills, to be done within the window frame, then have to carefully Measure may not yield more than half a centimeter card does not go in and a half centimeters or less emptied of the situation, the track can be installed on the wall or ceiling should also note that some tracks can be linked to the ceiling can also be linked to the walls, some not I suggest you bring home a good-size windows notes, the regional states, take good pictures of each window to the stores, they will suggest you how to use the track and practice


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
