英语人>网络例句>建筑工人 相关的搜索结果


与 建筑工人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Around Beijing's small alleyways, an underground economy caters to construction workers.


In the Square Mile itself there's a similar antipathytoward suited traders:"That's what happens when you get greedy,"says James Terrell, 29, a construction worker on a cigarette break just astone's throw from the Bank of England,"What goes around comes around.It's not just the Americans-they're alright. Everyone thinks because they'vegot the most money they're to blame. But we're all to blame. We always followthem anyway-that's inevitable. It's going to effect us all."

在SquareMile,交易员同样成为矛头所向:&人一旦变得贪婪就会发生这样的事,&在英国银行旁边抽烟的29岁建筑工人James Terrell说,&一报还一报啊,不只是美国人--他们还好,大家都认为因为他们赚到大钱了他们该挨骂,但我们也有责任,我们总是追随他们--这不可避免,我们全都会受影响&

Even though this labor unrest deeply hurt his father's business, Bish was moved by the plight of the poor construction laborers – men, women, and even children – who relied on unpredictable daily wages, lived in ramshackle houses, and lacked the privileges Bish grew up with in India.


Yeah, but remember that there's no public enquires for construction projects in China.


In Spain newly jobless builders are competing with migrants there for jobs picking fruit.


Watch any construction worker whistling at a passing woman from half a block away, and you can see how visual cues can be more powerful.


Watch any construction worker whistling at a passing woman from half a block away, and you can see how visual cues can be more powerful.


After feeling the wall, Mr Demczur, a former builder, saw that it was made of layers of inch-thick panels of synthetic partition material known as sheetrock.


This combined incomings is then spent on like this items as manufactured goods from otIT countries,旅行 for its citizens to otIT countries, and the hiring of construction engineers.


Women can easily make $200 to $400 a month as maids or legitimate masseuses in cities, while men are left laboring for $100 a month as construction workers.


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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
