英语人>网络例句>延伸率 相关的搜索结果


与 延伸率 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, PBO fiber has high modulus under paragliding cord barding, it's the best choice.


434 We shall take the sample to test its physical properties (mechanical properties, t ensile strength, yield point, percentage elongation, reduction of area, impact value, Brinell hardness).


Combined with the observation of the metallograph and analysis of the change of chemical composition of alloys,we can draw the following conclusion:the addition of within the range of 40% once-used cobalt-chromium alloy to casting cobalt-chromium alloy wouldn't affect the quality of restorations,excessive addition of once-used alloy would damaged the microstructure and physical properties.

摘 要:通过比较不同比例的新旧钴铬合金铸造后的抗拉强度、屈服强度、延伸率、硬度等机械性能指标,并结合相应的金相观察及化学成份分析,得出结论:铸造钴铬合金中可加入不超过40%的仅铸造过一次的旧料而不影响合金的主要机械性能,超过这一比例,将影响修复体的质量。

The company has its own laboratories, all of the required raw materials and daily production through technical performance tests to ensure sustainable access to a good proportion, wear clean performance, breaking load, elongation, flexibility, adhesion and surface insulation properties.


In order to accomplish this change, our research have made several important break-through by revising new formulation especially in (1) catalyst mix,(2) adjustment of water content,(3) addition of chain extenders and crosslinkers, and(4) utilization of long-chained polyols. By doing so, the general performances of our new non-yellowing foam products are comparable to those of the traditional TDI based products. In certain mechanical properties in areas such as tensile strength, split tear strength, and elongation our measured values of 1.89 kg/cm2, 1.47 kg/cm, and 355 % respectively have out-performed the old materials.

能在研究中突破的原因,是因针对聚胺酯发泡体配方中的催化剂、水含量、链长剂种类、交联剂及搭配商业之改质长链三元醇,做各式各样之配方调整而成,与传统商业用之芳香族发泡体相比较,基本的成泡指数及性质相比拟上已相近,在抗张(1.89 kg/cm2,比TDI系统增加2.2倍)、撕裂(1.47 kg/cm,比TDI系统增加1.7倍)、延伸率(355 %,比TDI系统增加1.6倍)等机械性质上甚至比芳香族发泡体有更佳的表现。


Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
