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与 废除 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Japan take the Chinese feudalism law as the pattern law system legal framework to the modern Western Europe law pattern transformation, is the Japan legal framework first transformation, after World War II Japan abolishes the Fascist legal regime under the American law influence, through the democratized reform, the revision multitudinous department law, the social economic rules and regulations receives especially takes highly, is the Japan legal framework second transformation, along with the time vicissitude, the original legal framework occurrence"the system is weary", complied with the marketability, the informationization, an advanced age isochronism generation of tidal current, the legal framework has the omni-directional transformation is the Japan legal framework third transformation.


The cancellation provisions of the Line Item Veto Act were unconstitutional since they violated Article Ⅰ, Sec.7, the Presentment Clause of the Constitution.


As we shall see, the rise of Transcendentalism transformed American politics and society by furnishing the impetus for "Jacksonian democracy," reform movements, and especially the campaign to abolish slavery in the South.

我们将见到,先验哲学论的兴起转变了美国的政治和社会,经由的是提供冲力给「杰克逊式民主」(Jacksonian democracy,译注︰杰克逊总统所提出的「更民主一点」之观念)、改革运动,和特别是「废除南方蓄奴」之活动。

Wilson's characters testify to the fact that the United States failed blacks after Lincoln abolished slavery and that the government's failure, made effective legally through Jim Crow laws and other lawful measures to ensure inequality, continues to effect many black lives.


The adoption of the system shows the supporting attitude of Chinese jurisdictional institution with the abolition suggestion invalid.


The appeal court quashed the care order made by the juvenile court.


We note how the Nirvana Sutra does not totally cast aside the notion of Emptiness, but reveals it to be the Knowingness that is characteristic of the genuine Middle Way, a Knowingness which sees both the non-Self and the eternal Self


The end of 1949, Mao Zedong to the Soviet Union, although Zaisan request and the Soviet Union to sign a new treaty, Stalin insisted on keeping the Old Testament on the grounds that: In 1945, the "Sino-Soviet Treaty" Yalta agreement, in accordance with agreement concluded by repealing it may be for the United States and Britain took the opportunity to deny the Yalta agreement of the other commitments of manufacturing a pretext (for example, Japan, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands).


All the fine Kuomintang laws on this subject were meaningless unless landlordism itself were abolished.


Leftwing demands to increase the top rate of income tax and abolish tax concessions for foreign non-domiciled residents were ignored and capital gains tax was cut.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
