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与 废除 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to expunge their former systems of government.


It could be said that the later successes of Nanjing National Government's canceling the concessions, abolishing the exterritorial ties had logical relations with the successful experiences provided by the TPOVCs that China could cope normally with the trade and other foreign affairs without those things obtruded by foreigners.


Others, on the contrary, consider them to have been misguided ascetics, who strove to extirpate carnal desires by a return to simpler manners, and by the abolition of marriage.


They decreed its abolition, a root and branch extirpation.


For this,China takento the principle of the death penalty do not extradite.


The Nationalist Government has carried on a series of diplomatic work after its establishing in Nanjing. Among these works, abolishing extraterritoriality was an important respect and the domestic and international press paid close attention to it.


Thus they began to look with favor on the Kuomintang of Dr. Sun Yat-sen which had just such a program of abolishing extraterritoriality and founding an independent nation.


Despite the "abolition" of extraterritoriality, the culprit in the raping of Shen Chung was declared not guilty and released by the U.S.


Under the Three Shi Agreement the authorities of Yanbian strengthened Returning to Naturalized Policy.and took Devided License Policy, this time Tenant Policy disappeared .Alon g the setting of Man , land rent had been taken in all of the country. Abolishing of extraterritoriality in 1935 and land rent in 1936 disappeared completely.

以《三矢协定》为契机,延边地方当局强化了归化入籍政策,并针对佃民制度实行了"分劈执照"的政策,至此佃民制度开始消失,随着满洲国的建立土地商租权在满洲国的全面实施,进而在1935年治外法权的废除和 1 936年土地商租权的全面整理而完全消失。

About Easter, 1524, indulgences and pilgrimages were abolished, the sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction rejected, and pictures, statues, relics, altars, and organs destroyed, regardless of their artitic value.

关於复活节, 1524年, indulgences和朝圣的废除,圣礼的忏悔和临终拒绝,照片,雕塑,文物,祭坛,和机关摧毁,而不论其artitic价值。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
