英语人>网络例句>废除 相关的搜索结果


与 废除 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her passion is to do away with them, one by one.


I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.


They decided to do away with the rule.


When the Dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade .


The traditional standpoint thinks the Caste System must be abolished completely a period of time in future because it is the draff of traditional culture.In the conclusion part, this viewpoint is rejected. Because the Caste System is a kind of social construction and values system, it is impossible to abolish the Caste System.


To people everyone know we are equal in terms of rights by positive drumbeating and make set up a legal system that can well protect people's rights and ensure everyone lives equally and freely.

内容基本上就是限制黑人自由什么的,这个制度在1948年被以法律方式执行,最后到了1991年,这个制度被最后一任南非白人总统 de klerk 废除

Fascist dictators do not claw back measures like the egregiously titled Patriot Act, they don't make bogus laws giving themselves omniscient powers because they intend to repeal them 6 months later, they just keep on exposing themselves further as parasites and psychopaths, with ever more obvious signs of their waning struggle for power.


The slave system in this country was abolished in the eighteenth century.


Withdrawal of all exclusive licenses, privileges and rights to use of electromagnetic spectrum.


Option-expensing is scheduled to become mandatory on June 15th. You can therefore expect intensified efforts to stall or emasculate this rule between now and then. Let your Congressman and Senators know what you think on this issue.

选择权费用化将在今年 6 月 15 日起强制实行,大家可以预期此后将不断有人企图阻止或是废除相关规定,去之而后快,务必让你选区的议员知道你对于这项议题的立场。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
