英语人>网络例句>底拱 相关的搜索结果


与 底拱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The palace was a little less than it sounded, a narrow Palladian facade, mossy steps, a dark


Fine physical models of plunge pool with regard to Xiluodu Water Power Station were made in these experiments.


Results show that amplitude of displacement excited by vertical incidence wave is larger than that excited by inclined incidence wave and not influenced greatly by the incidence angle. In vertical incidence, amplitudes of displacement of two points at the same altitude along each cavern are basically identical and maximum relative displacement occurs between top and bottom point of the cavern. While in the case of inclined incidence, displacement amplitude on sides meeting the wave is larger than that on leed sides, and maximum relative displacement occurs on left skewback and bottom of the cavern.


KAVASS canvas shoes have soft and comfortable inside sole.

KAVASS 帆布鞋内底柔软舒适,接缝无毛边,穿着舒适,绝无拱起凹陷现象。

Now it has been used successfully in the residual soil, with brick arch supporting system.


The stability of the apron slabs on the arch ring of the inverted arch plunge pool is one of the key technologies to relate whether it can be safely operated under action of the high water head and the large discharge.


The east part is formed by overlapping of rollover anticlines generated by listric Chennan fault and sub listric faults in its hanging wall.


Modified U-grooves produce the ideal spin rate, for maximum playability in all conditions.Rolled leading edge, cambered mid-sole, and rolled trailing edge deliver consistent striking ability from all types of lies.


The company's main products are: BZ-20ES, BZ-18ES utility mining loaders, the equipment can be used for ballast Tunnels, finding the top, were seized at the end, multi-wall clearance, is a sophisticated tunnel construction machinery; needle beam,穿行Top-and-steel arch concrete lining vehicles; wheel, the rail-lines, electric and internal combustion and hydraulic models at 2.5 M3, 3M3, 5M3, 6M3 series of concrete mixing tanker transport, steel Gongjia Bending special equipment - cold-formed; MTR and construction works under pressure by the pile-pipe, steel support, the steel tube PURLIN; works for pulling the pipe wall lock pile with all the various models of hydraulic Stubbs pile driver; Various public facilities used in steel structure, the grid system, and so on.

公司的主要产品有:BZ-20ES、BZ-18ES型多功能挖掘装载机,可用于隧道的装碴、找顶、捡底、多墙清理,是一种先进的隧道施工机械;针梁式、穿行式以及边顶拱式砼衬砌钢模台车;轮式、轨行式、电动式、内燃式和液压式,型号分2.5M3 、3M3、5M3、6M3 系列砼搅拌输送罐车;钢拱架弯曲专用设备---冷弯机;地铁及建筑桩基工程承压用的钢管柱、钢支撑、钢围檩;工程连续墙锁喉管拔桩用的各种型号全液压拔桩机;各种公共设施用的钢结构、网架制安等。

On this foundation the article inducts in detail the method which is based on the relative settlement of calculating unit area end support force at the same time considering the feature of pedestal pile"s "arch effect the article introduces conception of pile effective length and finally obtain the formula of calculating man-made pipe with bulb-shaped axial carrying capacity .


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
